You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines

  1. baseURL = ""
  2. languageCode = "en-us"
  3. title = "Ink"
  4. theme = "ink"
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  6. copyright = "© Copyright notice"
  7. pygmentsstyle = "vs"
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  10. googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
  11. disqusShortname = "ink-demo"
  12. [params]
  13. subtitle = "Crisp, minimal personal [blog theme for Hugo]("
  14. # Optional 64x64 avatar image.
  15. avatar = ""
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  17. disableDisqusTypes = ["page"]
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  22. # customJS = ["js/custom.js", "js/custom1.js"] # Custom JS scripts.
  23. # Nav.
  24. [[menu.main]]
  25. name = "Home"
  26. url = "/"
  27. weight = 1
  28. [[menu.main]]
  29. name = "All posts"
  30. url = "/posts"
  31. weight = 2
  32. [[menu.main]]
  33. name = "About"
  34. url = "/about"
  35. weight = 3
  36. [[menu.main]]
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  38. url = "/tags"
  39. weight = 4
  40. [[]]
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  44. [[]]
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  48. [taxonomies]
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