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  5. A simple Discord Bot used by me personally, written for fun.
  6. ## Command Docs
  7. *Coming soon*
  8. ## Changelog
  9. #### v0.4.0
  10. - New Misc cog, new commands like avatar and info
  11. - ChangeAvatar updated again to be inline with who avatar deals with avatar images.
  12. #### v0.3.6
  13. - ChangeAvatar command updated to use a upto date function to download images
  14. - printsetting command created for bot owner to check the serverconfig at the current time
  15. #### v0.3.5
  16. - Changelog created
  17. #### Pre-v0.3.5
  18. - Bot was made. Wasn't great. You can check the commits though for more info.
  19. ## Todo List
  20. A list I just dump ideas on or planned bug fixes so that I can keep track.
  21. #### High Priority
  22. - ~~Create print settings command~~
  23. #### Mid Priority
  24. - Make the code cleaner so that it isn't eye cancer
  25. - Move away from using ID's for everything. Maybe replace list with dict
  26. - On member role assign, welcome member using on_member_update
  27. - Add check for no channel id when a module is enabled
  28. #### Low Priority
  29. - Improve user experience
  30. - Better help menu- AutoGen using
  31. - Document admin commands so that all commands are documented
  32. - Constant file for constants
  33. #### Command Ideas
  34. - Overwatch stats - Using Overwatch-API lib
  35. - Info command that shows info of bot incl. python metadata
  36. - Command to print
  37. - Admin tools - For commands already in and things like purge a chat
  38. ## Licence
  39. [MIT Licence](