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  1. ---
  2. title: Linux Installation
  3. description: Guide to installing Roxbot on Linux.
  4. authors:
  5. - Roxanne Gibson
  6. ---
  7. # Linux Installation
  8. Requirements:
  9. - Python 3.7 or higher
  10. - Pip (to install dependencies)
  11. - A Discord bot account ([How to make a bot account](
  12. Optional Requirements:
  13. - Imgur API client ID (for Reddit cog. Create a application to gain access to the Imgur API [here](
  14. - ffmpeg (for Voice cog [music bot])
  15. - libopus (for Voice cog [music bot])
  16. If you don't meet the requirements for a cog, be sure to comment out that cog in the `roxbot/` file.
  17. 1. Clone Roxbot to your system
  18. ```bash
  19. $ git clone
  20. $ cd roxbot/
  21. ```
  22. 2. Create a venv for Roxbot
  23. ```bash
  24. $ python3 -m venv ./env
  25. $ source env/bin/activate # For bash and zsh users
  26. $ source env/bin/ # For fish users
  27. ```
  28. 3. Install Python dependencies
  29. ```bash
  30. $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  31. ```
  32. 4. Edit Roxbot's config to add your bot accounts token (and Imgur api token if you plan to use the Reddit cog) to the config, and also edit some other config settings. Then rename it so that Roxbot will be able to read it.
  33. ```bash
  34. $ nano roxbot/settings/roxbot_example.conf
  35. $ mv roxbot/settings/roxbot_example.conf roxbot/settings/roxbot.conf
  36. ```
  37. 5. Run Roxbot and she should setup everything if you haven't run her before.
  38. ```bash
  39. $ ./
  40. ```