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Merge pull request #10 from TBTerra/master

Fixed roll command crashes
Roxie Gibson 6 years ago
No account linked to committer's email address
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions
  1. +6

+ 6
- 6
roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Fun:
spaces in expression are ignored
.roll 2d20h1 + 7 # Rolls two D20s takes the highest 1, then adds 7
.roll #will give brief overview of dice expression format
.help roll #will give brief overview of dice expression format

Dice expression format:
An expression can consist of many sub expressions added together and then a multiplier at the end to indicate how many times the expression should be rolled.
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ class Fun:
add r<number> #reroll any rolls below <number>
add h<number> #only sum the <number> highest rolls rather than all of them
add l<number> #only sum the <number> lowest rolls rather than all of them
+<number> # Add this number to the sum.
x<number> #only use at the end. roll the rest of the expression <number> times(max 10)")
x<number> #only use at the end. roll the rest of the expression <number> times(max 10)
Credit: TBTerra#5677
rollMaxRolls = 10
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ class Fun:
except ValueError:#probably an input syntax error. safest to just roll once.
times = 1
response += "*Warning:* was unable to resolve how many times this command was meant to run. defaulted to once.\n"
m=re.findall('(-?)((?:(\d*)d(\d*))|\d+)(r\d*)?([h,l]{1}\d*)?',parts[0])#voodoo magic regex (matches A,dB,AdB,AdBrC and AdBh/lD all at once, and splits them up to be processed)
m=re.findall('(-?)((?:(\d*)d(\d+))|\d+)(r\d+)?([h,l]{1}\d+)?',parts[0])#voodoo magic regex (matches A,dB,AdB,AdBrC and AdBh/lD all at once, and splits them up to be processed)
if m == []:#either there were no arguments, or the expression contained nothing that could be seen as a number or roll
return await ctx.send("Expression missing. If you are unsure of what the format should be, please use `{}help roll`".format(ctx.prefix))
dice = []#this is the list of all dice sets to be rolled
@@ -67,9 +66,11 @@ class Fun:
temp = [0]*5
temp[0] = 1 if item[0] == '' else -1#if theres a - at the beginning of the sub expression there needs to be a -1 multiplier applied to the sub expression total
if 'd' in item[1]:#if its a dice/set of dice rather than a number
temp[2] = int(item[3])
if temp[3] == 0:#safety check for things like 2d0 + 1 (0 sided dice)
return await ctx.send("cant roll a zero sided dice")
if item[2] == '':#if its just a dY rather than an XdY
temp[1] = 1
temp[2] = int(item[3])
else:#its a XdY type unknown if it has r,h,l modifyers, but they dont matter when sorting out the number and sides of dice
temp[1] = int(item[2])
if temp[1] > rollMaxDice:#if there are an unreasonable number of dice, error out. almost no-one needs to roll 9999d20
@@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ class Fun:
if temp[1] > rollMaxVerbose and rollVerbose:#if there is a sub expression that involves lots of rolls then turn off verbose mode
rollVerbose = False
response += '*Warning:* large number of rolls detected, will not use verbose rolling.\n'
temp[2] = int(item[3])
else:#numbers are stored as N, 1 sided dice
temp[1] = int(item[1])
temp[2] = 1
