Преглед изворни кода

changed the error handling to a kinda case like checking rather than a really dumb isinstance spam.

Roxie Gibson пре 5 година
1 измењених фајлова са 52 додато и 46 уклоњено
  1. +52

+ 52
- 46
roxbot/core.py Прегледај датотеку

@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@

import asyncio
import datetime
import os
import string
import typing
import asyncio
import datetime
import youtube_dl

import roxbot

import discord
import youtube_dl
from discord.ext import commands

import roxbot

class ErrorHandling:

@@ -51,53 +51,59 @@ class ErrorHandling:
self.bot = bot_client
self.dev = roxbot.dev_mode

def command_not_found_check(ctx, error):
# Sadly this is the only part that makes a cog not modular. I have tried my best though to make it usable without the cog.
cc = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)["custom_commands"]
is_custom_command = bool(ctx.invoked_with in cc["1"] or ctx.invoked_with in cc["2"])
is_emoticon_face = bool(any(x in string.punctuation for x in ctx.message.content.strip(ctx.prefix)[0]))
is_too_short = bool(len(ctx.message.content) <= 2)
if is_custom_command or is_emoticon_face or is_too_short:
return None
return error.args[0]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# KeyError for cog missing, AttributeError if a command invoked via DM
return error.args[0]

def command_cooldown_output(self, error):
return self.COMMANDONCOOLDOWN.format(error.retry_after)
except AttributeError:
return ""

async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error):
if self.dev:
raise error
# UserError warning section
user_errors = (commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument,
commands.TooManyArguments, roxbot.UserError)

if isinstance(error, user_errors):
embed = discord.Embed(colour=roxbot.EmbedColours.orange)
if isinstance(error, (commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument, roxbot.UserError)):
embed.description = error.args[0]
elif isinstance(error, commands.TooManyArguments):
embed.description = self.TOOMANYARGS
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
user_error_cases = {
commands.MissingRequiredArgument: error.args[0],
commands.BadArgument: error.args[0],
commands.TooManyArguments: self.TOOMANYARGS,
roxbot.UserError: error.args[0],
cases = {
commands.NoPrivateMessage: self.NODMS,
commands.DisabledCommand: self.DISABLEDCOMMAND,
roxbot.CogSettingDisabled: self.COGSETTINGDISABLED.format(error.args[0]),
commands.CommandNotFound: self.command_not_found_check(ctx, error),
commands.BotMissingPermissions: "{}".format(error.args[0].replace("Bot", "Roxbot")),
commands.MissingPermissions: "{}".format(error.args[0]),
commands.CommandOnCooldown: self.command_cooldown_output(error),
commands.CheckFailure: self.CHECKFAILURE,
commands.NotOwner: self.CHECKFAILURE,
user_error_case = user_error_cases.get(type(error), None)
case = cases.get(type(error), None)

# ActualErrorHandling
embed = discord.Embed()
if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
embed.description = self.NODMS
elif isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand):
embed.description = self.DISABLEDCOMMAND
elif isinstance(error, roxbot.CogSettingDisabled):
embed.description = self.COGSETTINGDISABLED.format(error.args[0])
elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
# Sadly this is the only part that makes a cog not modular. I have tried my best though to make it usable without the cog.
cc = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)["custom_commands"]
is_custom_command = bool(ctx.invoked_with in cc["1"] or ctx.invoked_with in cc["2"])
is_emoticon_face = bool(any(x in string.punctuation for x in ctx.message.content.strip(ctx.prefix)[0]))
is_too_short = bool(len(ctx.message.content) <= 2)
if is_custom_command or is_emoticon_face or is_too_short:
embed = None
embed.description = error.args[0]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# KeyError for cog missing, AttributeError if a command invoked via DM
embed.description = error.args[0]
elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions):
embed.description = "{}".format(error.args[0].replace("Bot", "Roxbot"))
elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions):
embed.description = "{}".format(error.args[0])
elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
embed.description = self.COMMANDONCOOLDOWN.format(error.retry_after)
elif isinstance(error, (commands.CheckFailure, commands.NotOwner)):
embed.description = self.CHECKFAILURE

embed = discord.Embed(colour=roxbot.EmbedColours.red)
if case:
embed.description = case
elif user_error_case:
embed.description = user_error_case
embed.colour = roxbot.EmbedColours.orange
elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError):
if isinstance(error.original, youtube_dl.utils.GeoRestrictedError):
