Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Fixed Bugs and added Twitch shilling. Plus smaller changes.

roxie pirms 7 gadiem
3 mainītis faili ar 153 papildinājumiem un 78 dzēšanām
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +151

+ 1
- 0
blacklist.txt Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1
- 1
config.json Parādīt failu

@@ -1 +1 @@
{"304048071963312130": {"greets": {"enabled": 1, "welcome-channel": "304048071963312130", "member-role": "329057859444670465"}, "goodbyes": {"enabled": 0, "goodbye-channel": "304372497682399232"}, "self-assign_roles": {"enabled": 1, "roles": ["329075203864788999", "329075336245411840", "307330606348632064"]}}}
{"304048071963312130": {"greets": {"enabled": 0, "welcome-channel": "", "member-role": ""}, "goodbyes": {"enabled": 0, "goodbye-channel": ""}, "self-assign_roles": {"enabled": 0, "roles": []}, "twitch_shilling": {"enabled": 1, "twitch-channel": "304048071963312130", "whitelist": {"enabled": 0, "list": ["259869304369971200"]}}}, "175285455204384768": {"greets": {"enabled": 0, "welcome-channel": "", "member-role": ""}, "goodbyes": {"enabled": 0, "goodbye-channel": ""}, "self-assign_roles": {"enabled": 0, "roles": []}, "twitch_shilling": {"enabled": 1, "twitch-channel": "334812611575283712", "whitelist": {"enabled": 0, "list": []}}}}

+ 151
- 77
main.py Parādīt failu

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# RoxBot
# Version = 0.1.1
# Version = 1.2
# Author = Roxxers

@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
# TODO: WaifuRater - Mention user and RNG a rating
# TODO: Admin tools - For commands already in and things like purge a chat
# TODO: Overwatch stats - Using Overwatch-API lib
# TODO: Move away from using ID's for everthing. Maybe replace list with dict
# TODO: Add check for no channel id when a module is enabled

# Fixed bug with blacklist remove options. So that any option not '+' or 'add' is no longer accepted as the remove option.
# Optimised removerole command
# New names for some commands so it is easier to know what module they change.
# Twitch Shilling
# Fixed major bug with the owner only commands

import json
import random
@@ -21,7 +29,7 @@ from discord.ext.commands import Bot
bot = Bot(command_prefix=".")
# bot.remove_command("help")
# TODO: Take these from a file, not the program
token = ''
token = 'MzA4MDc3ODg3MDYyNTQwMjg5.DEW5YA.JfLfU5jPjTFQi0xFI6B_-SKvC54'
owner_id = "142735312626515979"

config_template = {
@@ -38,6 +46,14 @@ config_template = {
"self-assign_roles": {
"enabled": 0,
"roles": []
"twitch_shilling": {
"enabled": 0,
"twitch-channel": "",
"whitelist": {
"enabled": 0,
"list": []
@@ -69,7 +85,7 @@ def config_errorcheck():

def owner(ctx):
if owner_id == ctx.author.id:
if owner_id == ctx.message.author.id:
return True
return False
@@ -100,19 +116,22 @@ async def on_ready():
# TODO: First part needs to be moved to wait_until_ready

print("Client logged in\n\n")
print("Servers I am currently in:\n")
print("Client logged in\n")
print("Servers I am currently in:")
for server in bot.servers:

async def on_member_update(before, after):
if True:
for role in before.roles:
for role in after.roles:
async def on_member_update(member_b, member_a):
# Twitch Shilling Part
ts_enabled = config[member_a.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["enabled"]
if ts_enabled:
if not config[member_a.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["enabled"] or member_a.id in config[member_a.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["list"]:
if member_a.game:
if member_a.game.type:
channel = discord.Object(config[member_a.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["twitch-channel"])
return await bot.send_message(channel, content=":video_game:**{} is live!**:video_game:\n {}\n{}".format(member_a.name, member_a.game.name, member_a.game.url))

@@ -192,6 +211,52 @@ async def iam(ctx, role: discord.Role = None, *, user: discord.User = None, serv
return await bot.say("That role is not self-assignable.")

@bot.command(pass_context=True, enabled=False)
async def dice(ctx, num, *, user: discord.User = None):
# TODO: Change to ndx format
die = ("4","6","8","10","12","20","100")
if num not in die:
if num == "help":
return await bot.say("!dice - This command random roles a dice. The die I support are (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100) like the ones used in Table Top games.")
return await bot.say("That is not a dice I know. Try !dice help for help!")
user = mention_commandee(ctx)
roll = dice_roll(int(num))
return await bot.say("You rolled a {}, {}".format(roll,user.mention))

async def suck(ctx, user: discord.User = None):
if user is None:
user = ctx.message.mentions[0]
return await bot.say("You didn't mention someone for me to suck")
return await bot.say(":eggplant: :sweat_drops: :tongue: {}".format(user.mention))

async def printcommands():
for command in bot.commands:
return await bot.say("Done.")

async def listroles(ctx):
roles = []
for role in config[ctx.message.server.id]["self-assign_roles"]["roles"]:
for serverrole in ctx.message.server.roles:
if role == serverrole.id:
return await bot.say(roles)

# Owner Commands#

async def blacklist(ctx, option, *mentions):
@@ -208,7 +273,7 @@ async def blacklist(ctx, option, *mentions):
mentions = ctx.message.mentions

if not mentions:
bot.say("You didn't mention anyone")
return await bot.say("You didn't mention anyone")

if option not in ['+', '-', 'add', 'remove']:
return await bot.say('Invalid option "%s" specified, use +, -, add, or remove' % option, expire_in=20)
@@ -232,9 +297,9 @@ async def blacklist(ctx, option, *mentions):
if user.id not in lines:
blacklist_amount += 1
return await bot.say('{} users have been added to the blacklist'.format(blacklist_amount))
return await bot.say('{} user(s) have been added to the blacklist'.format(blacklist_amount))

elif option in ['-', 'remove']:
with open("blacklist.txt","r") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
with open("blacklist.txt","w") as fp:
@@ -245,60 +310,14 @@ async def blacklist(ctx, option, *mentions):
blacklist_amount += 1
return await bot.say('{} users have been removed from the blacklist'.format(blacklist_amount))

@bot.command(pass_context=True, enabled=False)
async def dice(ctx, num, *, user: discord.User = None):
# TODO: Change to ndx format
die = ("4","6","8","10","12","20","100")
if num not in die:
if num == "help":
return await bot.say("!dice - This command random roles a dice. The die I support are (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100) like the ones used in Table Top games.")
return await bot.say("That is not a dice I know. Try !dice help for help!")
user = mention_commandee(ctx)
roll = dice_roll(int(num))
return await bot.say("You rolled a {}, {}".format(roll,user.mention))

async def suck(ctx, user: discord.User = None):
if user is None:
user = ctx.message.mentions[0]
return await bot.say("You didn't mention someone for me to suck")
return await bot.say(":eggplant: :sweat_drops: :tongue: {}".format(user.mention))

async def printcommands():
for command in bot.commands:
return await bot.say("Done.")

async def listroles(ctx):
roles = []
for role in config[ctx.message.server.id]["self-assign_roles"]["roles"]:
for serverrole in ctx.message.server.roles:
if role == serverrole.id:
return await bot.say(roles)

# Owner Commands#
return await bot.say('{} user(s) have been removed from the blacklist'.format(blacklist_amount))

async def addrole(ctx, role: discord.Role = None):
# Add Remove List Help
if not owner:
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
@@ -307,24 +326,20 @@ async def addrole(ctx, role: discord.Role = None):

async def removerole(ctx, role: discord.Role = None):
if not owner:
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)

count = 0
for sa_role in config[ctx.message.server.id]["self-assign_roles"]["roles"]:
if sa_role == role.id:
return await bot.say('"{}" has been removed from the self-assignable roles.'.format(str(role)))
count += 1
return await bot.say("That role was not in the list.")
if role.id in config[ctx.message.server.id]["self-assign_roles"]["roles"]:
return await bot.say('"{}" has been removed from the self-assignable roles.'.format(str(role)))
return await bot.say("That role was not in the list.")

async def enablemodule(ctx, module):
if not owner:
return await bot.say("You ain't the owner, normie get out!!! REEE!")
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
if module in config[ctx.message.server.id]:
if not config[ctx.message.server.id][module]["enabled"]:
@@ -341,6 +356,8 @@ async def enablemodule(ctx, module):

async def set_welcomechannel(ctx, channel: discord.Channel = None):
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
config[ctx.message.server.id]["greets"]["welcome-channel"] = channel.id
return await bot.say("{} has been set as the welcome channel!".format(channel.mention))
@@ -348,11 +365,68 @@ async def set_welcomechannel(ctx, channel: discord.Channel = None):

async def set_goodbyechannel(ctx, channel: discord.Channel = None):
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
config[ctx.message.server.id]["goodbyes"]["goodbye-channel"] = channel.id
return await bot.say("{} has been set as the goodbye channel!".format(channel.mention))

async def set_twitchchannel(ctx, channel: discord.Channel = None):
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
config[ctx.message.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["twitch-channel"] = channel.id
return await bot.say("{} has been set as the twitch shilling channel!".format(channel.mention))

async def ts_enablewhitelist(ctx):
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)
if not config[ctx.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["enabled"]:
config[ctx.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["enabled"] = 1
return await bot.reply("Whitelist for Twitch shilling has been enabled.")
config[ctx.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["enabled"] = 0
return await bot.reply("Whitelist for Twitch shilling has been disabled.")

async def ts_whitelist(ctx, option, *mentions):
if not owner(ctx):
return await bot.reply("You do not have permission to do this command.", delete_after=20)

whitelist_count = 0

if not ctx.message.mentions and option != 'list':
return await bot.reply("You haven't mentioned anyone to whitelist.")

if option not in ['+', '-', 'add', 'remove', 'list']:
return await bot.say('Invalid option "%s" specified, use +, -, add, or remove' % option, expire_in=20)

if option in ['+', 'add']:
for user in ctx.message.mentions:
whitelist_count += 1
return await bot.say('{} user(s) have been added to the whitelist'.format(whitelist_count))

elif option in ['-', 'remove']:
for user in ctx.message.mentions:
if user.id in config[ctx.message.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["list"]:
whitelist_count += 1
return await bot.say('{} user(s) have been removed to the whitelist'.format(whitelist_count))

elif option == 'list':
return await bot.say(config[ctx.message.server.id]["twitch_shilling"]["whitelist"]["list"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
config = load_config()

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