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added warnings to the command docs for all the commands that will need them.

Roxie Gibson 5 years ago
3 changed files with 133 additions and 9 deletions
  1. +0
  2. +132
  3. +1

+ 0
- 0
docs/ View File

+ 132
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docs/ View File

@@ -15,51 +15,125 @@ These are the base commands for Roxbot that are a part of the core bot. All of t

#### ;backup

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;blacklist

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;changeactivity

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;changeavatar

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;changenickname

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;changestatus

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

#### ;printsettings

!!! warning
Command requires the user has the `manage_guild` permission.

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;shutdown

!!! warning
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

## Cog Commands

### Admin
The Admin cog adds admin commands to Roxbot which should make moderating a Discord server easier.

!!! warning
This whole cog cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;ban

!!! warning
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot have the `ban_users` permission.

#### ;kick

!!! warning
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot have the `kick_users` permission.

#### ;purge

!!! warning
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot have the `manage_messages` permission.

#### ;slowmode

!!! warning
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot have the `manage_channels` permission.

#### ;unban

!!! warning
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot have the `ban_users` permission.

#### ;warn

!!! warning
Group requires the user has the `kick_users` permission. <small>The logic here is that if a mod can kick a user, they can warn a user too as they are similar in function.</small>

__;warn add__

__;warn list__

__;warn prune__

__;warn remove__

__;warn set_limit__

### Custom Commands

#### ;custom

!!! warning
This command group cannot be used in private messages.

##### Subcommands

__;custom add__

!!! warning
Command requires the user has the `manage_messages` permission.

__;custom edit__

!!! warning
Command requires the user has the `manage_messages` permission.

__;custom list__

__;custom remove__

!!! warning
Command requires the user has the `manage_messages` permission.

### Fun

#### ;aesthetics
@@ -116,8 +190,14 @@ Credit: TBTerra#5677

#### ;spank

!!! warning
This command will only work in channels marked NSFW

#### ;suck

!!! warning
This command will only work in channels marked NSFW

#### ;waifurate

#### ;xkcd
@@ -230,22 +310,43 @@ __;pride transgender__

#### ;goodbyes

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;greets

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

### NSFW

#### ;e621

!!! warning
This command will only work in channels marked NSFW or DMs.

#### ;gelbooru

!!! warning
This command will only work in channels marked NSFW or DMs.

#### ;rule34

!!! warning
This command will only work in channels marked NSFW or DMs.


#### ;nsfw

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

### Reddit

#### ;subreddit

#### ;aww

#### ;feedme
@@ -254,26 +355,37 @@ __;pride transgender__

#### ;me_irl

#### ;subreddit

#### ;traa

### Self Assign

!!! warning
This whole cog cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;iam

#### ;iamn

#### ;listroles


#### ;selfassign

### Trivia

#### ;trivia

!!! warning
This command group cannot be used in private messages.

##### Subcommands

__;trivia about__
@@ -296,12 +408,26 @@ __;trivia kick__

#### ;guild

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;info

#### ;invite

#### ;role

!!! warning
This command cannot be used in private messages.

### Voice

!!! warning
This whole cog cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;join

#### ;nowplaying

#### ;pause
@@ -310,18 +436,16 @@ __;trivia kick__

#### ;queue

#### ;remove

#### ;resume

#### ;skip

#### ;stop

#### ;stream

#### ;volume

#### ;join

#### ;remove

#### ;stop

#### ;voice

+ 1
- 1
mkdocs.yml View File

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ nav:
- 'Quick Start': ''
- 'Configuring Roxbot': ''
- 'Command Documentation': ''
- 'Creating Cogs For Roxbot': ''
- 'Creating Cogs For Roxbot': ''
- 'Contributing': ''
- 'License': ''
