소스 검색

removed all the bad code and like did most of the formatting. Just needs the function to actually process the choice and the invoke of the commands and stuff.

Roxie Gibson 6 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일59개의 추가작업 그리고 357개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +59

+ 59
- 357
roxbot/settings/settings.py 파일 보기

@@ -9,15 +9,12 @@ from discord.ext import commands

# TODO: Display the settings your changing in the menu as yu change them.

class Menu():
def __init__(self, name, *params, **options):
class Menu:
def __init__(self, name, settings, *params):
self.name = name
self.params = params
if options is None:
options = {"type": "values"}

self.formatted_params = self._parse_params(settings, self.name)
self.title = "'Roxbot Settings: {}'\n".format(self.name)

self.content = self._format_content(self.title, self.params, "```python", "```")

@@ -26,7 +23,7 @@ class Menu():
choices = "\n"
for x, setting in enumerate(params):
if setting != "convert":
if "Enable" in setting or "Disable" in setting:
if setting != [*params][x]: # Just in case params is dict_keys, we make a new list
choices += "[{}] {}\n".format(x + 1, setting)
choices += "[{}] Edit '{}'\n".format(x+1, setting)
@@ -37,78 +34,94 @@ class Menu():
def _parse_params(settings, name):
params = [*settings.keys()]
params_copy = settings.copy().keys()
# Enable/Disable Parse
for param in params_copy:
if settings["convert"].get(param) == "bool":
# Enable/Disable Parse
if param == "enabled":
enable_options = ["Enable '{}'".format(name), "Disable '{}'".format(name)]
options = ["Enable '{}'".format(name), "Disable '{}'".format(name)]
enable_options = ["Enable '{}'".format(param), "Disable '{}'".format(param)]
options = ["Enable '{}'".format(param), "Disable '{}'".format(param)]
params = [*enable_options, *params]

params = [*options, *params]
elif isinstance(settings.get(param), list):
# Add and Remove Parse
options = ["Add {}".format(param), "Remove {}".format(param)]
params = [*params, *options]
elif isinstance(settings.get(param), int) or isinstance(settings.get(param), str):
# Set parse
options = "Set {}".format(param)
params = [*params, options]
return params

def nsfw(cls, guild):
name = "NSFW"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).nsfw.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).nsfw
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def self_assign(cls, guild):
name = "Self Assign"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).self_assign.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).self_assign
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def twitch(cls, guild):
name = "Twitch"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).twitch.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).twitch
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def perm_roles(cls, guild):
name = "Perm Roles"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).perm_roles.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).perm_roles
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def logging(cls, guild):
name = "Logging"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).logging.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).logging
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def voice(cls, guild):
name = "Voice"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).voice.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).voice
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def greets(cls, guild):
name = "Greets"
params = guild_settings.get(guild).greets.keys()
return cls(name, *params)
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).greets
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def goodbyes(cls, guild):
params = guild_settings.get(guild).goodbyes.keys()
return cls("Goodbyes", *params)
name = "Goodbyes"
settings = guild_settings.get(guild).goodbyes
params = settings.keys()
return cls(name, settings, *params)

def join_leave(cls):
name = "JoinLeave"
params = ["goodbyes", "greets"]
options = {"type": "menu"}
return cls(name, *params, **options)
return cls(name, *params)

def base(cls, params):
name = "Base Menu"
params = params
options = {"type": "menu"}
return cls(name, *params, **options)
return cls(name, *params)

class Settings:
@@ -207,7 +220,7 @@ class Settings:
async def printsettings(self, ctx, option=None):
"OWNER OR ADMIN ONLY: Prints the servers settings file."
"""OWNER OR ADMIN ONLY: Prints the servers settings file."""
# TODO: Use paginator to make the output here not break all the time.
config = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
settings = dict(config.settings.copy()) # Make a copy of settings so we don't change the actual settings.
@@ -234,125 +247,19 @@ class Settings:
em.add_field(name="custom_commands", value="For Custom Commands, use the custom list command.", inline=False)
return await ctx.send(embed=em)

def _make_settings_menu(self, ctx):
x = 0
output = "'Roxbot Settings:' #Note: Some of this options aren't finish and don't work.\n—————————————————————————————\n"
settings = []
for setting in self.guild_settings:
# is_anal has its own command for now but should be put into this menu when 2.0 hits.
if setting in ["warnings", "custom_commands", "is_anal"]:
elif setting == "gss" and ctx.guild.id != 393764974444675073:
output += "[{}] Edit '{}' settings\n".format(x, setting)
x += 1
output += "[{}] Exit\n".format(0)
x += 1
return "```python\n" + output + "```", x, settings

async def settings(self, ctx):
self.guild_settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
output, count, settings = self._make_settings_menu(ctx)
msg = await ctx.send(output)
def author_reply(m):
return m.author.id == ctx.author.id and ctx.channel.id == m.channel.id
reply = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=author_reply, timeout=40)
if 0 > int(reply.content) > count:
return await ctx.send("Option out of range. Exiting...")
option = int(reply.content)
if settings[option] == "logging":
return await ctx.invoke(self.logging, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "gss":
return await ctx.invoke(self.gss, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "self_assign":
return await ctx.invoke(self.selfassign, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "is_anal":
return await ctx.invoke(self.serverisanal, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "twitch":
return await ctx.invoke(self.twitch, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "nsfw":
return await ctx.invoke(self.nsfw, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "perm_roles":
return await ctx.invoke(self.permrole, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "voice":
return await ctx.invoke(self.voice, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "greets":
return await ctx.invoke(self.joinleave, changes="greets", msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "goodbyes":
return await ctx.invoke(self.joinleave, changes="goodbyes", msg=msg)
await msg.delete()
return await ctx.send("Exiting...")
except ValueError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

async def logging(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def logging(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits the logging settings.

enable/disable: Enable/disables logging.
channel: sets the channel.
# TODO: Optimise the menu system to be dynamic at some point
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Logging'
[0] Enable Logging
[1] Disable Logging
[2] Set Logging Channel
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "0":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "1":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "channel"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Logging Channel'
What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)
res = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, res.content)
if channel is False:
raise commands.BadArgument("Channel {} not found. Exiting...".format(res.content))
await msg.delete()
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)

@@ -371,75 +278,16 @@ What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
return self.guild_settings.update(settings.logging, "logging")

async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits settings for self assign cog.

enable/disable: Enable/disables the cog.
addrole/removerole: adds or removes a role that can be self assigned in the server.
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign'
[1] Enable Self Assign
[2] Disable Self Assign
[3] Add a role to the Self Assign list
[4] Remove a role to the Self Assign list
[5] List all roles that can be self-assigned
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "3":
selection = "addrole"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign - Add Role'
What role do you want to make self-assignable?
elif response.content == "4":
selection = "removerole"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign - Remove Role'
What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
elif response.content == "5":
return await ctx.invoke(self.printsettings, option="self_assign")
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")

if selection in ["removerole", "addrole"]:
await msg.edit(content=output)
res = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=res.content)
if role is None:
raise commands.BadArgument("Role {} not found. Exiting...".format(res.content))
await msg.delete()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)

self_assign = self.guild_settings.self_assign

@@ -465,7 +313,7 @@ What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
return self.guild_settings.update(self_assign, "self_assign")

async def joinleave(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def joinleave(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits settings for joinleave cog.

@@ -475,101 +323,6 @@ What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
greetschannel/goodbyeschannel: Sets the channels for either option. Must be a ID or mention.
custommessage: specifies a custom message for the greet messages.
if selection is None:
def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

if changes is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave'
[1] Edit Greets
[2] Edit Goodbyes
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
changes = "greets"
elif response.content == "2":
changes = "goodbyes"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

if changes == "greets":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Greets'
[1] Enable Greets
[2] Disable Greets
[3] Set Greets channel
[4] Add custom Greets message
else: # The only other option is goodbyes due to how this command is structured.
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Goodbyes'
[1] Enable Goodbyes
[2] Disable Goodbyes
[3] Set Goodbyes channel
await msg.edit(output)
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "3" and changes == "greets":
selection = "greetschannel"
elif response.content == "3" and changes == "goodbyes":
selection = "goodbyeschannel"
elif response.content == "4" and changes == "greets":
selection = "custommessage"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
if response.content == "3":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - {0}'
What channel do you want to set as the {0} channel?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, response.content)
elif response.content == "4":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Greets'
What channel do you want to set as the custom greets message?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
changes = response.content
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
@@ -614,7 +367,7 @@ What channel do you want to set as the custom greets message?
return self.guild_settings.update(goodbyes, "goodbyes")

async def twitch(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def twitch(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits settings for self assign cog.

@@ -642,7 +395,7 @@ What channel do you want to set as the custom greets message?
return self.guild_settings.update(twitch, "twitch")

async def permrole(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def permrole(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits settings for permission roles.

@@ -651,55 +404,6 @@ What channel do you want to set as the custom greets message?
;settings permrole addadmin Admin
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Perm Roles'
[1] Add Admin Role
[2] Remove Admin Role
[3] Add Mod Role
[4] Remove Mod Role
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
selection = "addadmin"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "removeadmin"
elif response.content == "3":
selection = "addmod"
elif response.content == "4":
selection = "removemod"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
if response.content in ["1", "3"]:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Perm Roles'
What role do you want to add?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=response.content)
if role is None:
raise commands.BadArgument("Role {} not found. Exiting...".format(response.content))
await msg.delete()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
@@ -735,7 +439,7 @@ What role do you want to add?
return self.guild_settings.update(perm_roles, "perm_roles")

async def gss(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def gss(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Custom Cog for the GaySoundsShitposts Discord Server."""
# TODO: Menu
selection = selection.lower()
@@ -755,9 +459,8 @@ What role do you want to add?
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.guild_settings.update(gss, "gss")

async def nsfw(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
async def nsfw(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None):
"""Edits settings for the nsfw cog and other nsfw commands.
If nsfw is enabled and nsfw channels are added, the bot will only allow nsfw commands in the specified channels.

@@ -773,7 +476,6 @@ What role do you want to add?
selection = selection.lower()
nsfw = self.guild_settings.nsfw

if selection == "enable":
nsfw["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'nsfw' was enabled!")
@@ -811,7 +513,7 @@ What role do you want to add?
return self.guild_settings.update(nsfw, "nsfw")

async def voice(self, ctx, setting=None, change=None, msg=None):
async def voice(self, ctx, setting=None, change=None):
"""Edits settings for the voice cog.
enable/disable: Enable/disables specified change.
@@ -847,9 +549,9 @@ What role do you want to add?
return await ctx.send("Not a valid change.")
elif setting == "skipratio":
change = float(change)
if change < 1 and change > 0:
if 1 > change > 0:
voice["skip_ratio"] = change
elif change > 0 and change <= 100:
elif 0 < change <= 100:
change = change/10
voice["skip_ratio"] = change
@@ -884,4 +586,4 @@ What role do you want to add?

def setup(bot_client):
