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added customcommands to the documentation.

added customcommands to the documentation.

added customcommands to the documentation.
Roxie Gibson 5 years ago
2 changed files with 121 additions and 6 deletions
  1. +78
  2. +43

+ 78
- 0
docs/ View File

@@ -530,28 +530,106 @@ Examples:

## Custom Commands

The Custom Commands cog allows moderators to add custom commands for their Discord server to Roxbot. Allowing custom outputs predefined by the moderators.

For example, we can set a command to require a prefix and call it "roxbot" and configure an output. Then if a user does `;roxbot` roxbot will output the configured output.

### ;custom

This command group handle settings for the custom commands.

!!! warning
This command group cannot be used in private messages.

#### ;custom add

Add a custom command.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_messages` permission.
Command Structure:

`;custom add type name *output`




- `type` - There are three types of custom commands.
- `no_prefix`/`0` - These are custom commands that will trigger without a prefix. Example: a command named `test` will trigger when a user says `test` in chat.
- `prefix`/`1` - These are custom commands that will trigger with a prefix. Example: a command named `test` will trigger when a user says `;test` in chat.
- `embed`/`2` - These are prefix commands that will output a rich embed. [You can find out more about rich embeds from Discord's API documentation.]( Embed types currently support these fields: `title, description, colour, color, url, footer, image, thumbnail`
- `name` - The name of the command. No commands can have the same name.
- `output` - The output of the command. The way you input this is determined by the type.

`no_prefix` and `prefix` types support single outputs and also listing multiple outputs. When the latter is chosen, the output will be a random choice of the multiple outputs.


# Add a no_prefix command called "test" with the output "hello world"
;cc add no_prefix test "hello world"
# Add a prefix command called test2 with a randomised output between "the person above me is annoying" and "the person above me is cool :sunglasses:"
;cc add prefix test2 "the person above me is annoying" "the person above me is cool :sunglasses:
# Add an embed command called test3 with a title of "Title" and a description that is a markdown hyperlink to a youtube video, and the colour #deadbf
;cc add embed test3 title "Title" description "[Click here for a rad video](" colour #deadbf

!!! note
With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one thing. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with """this""" instead.

#### ;custom edit

Edits an already existing custom command.

!!! note
You cannot change the type of a command. If you want to change the type, remove the command and re-add it.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_messages` permission.
Command Structure:

`;custom edit command_name new_output`


For more examples of how to setup a custom command, look at the help for the ;custom add command.

# edit a command called test to output "new output"
;cc edit test "new output"

#### ;custom list

Lists all custom commands for this guild.

Command Structure:

`;custom list`

#### ;custom remove

Removed the named custom command.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_messages` permission.

Command Structure:

`;custom remove command`


# Remove custom command called "test"
;cc remove test


+ 43
- 6
roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ import roxbot

class CustomCommands:
"""The Custom Commands cog allows moderators to add custom commands for their Discord server to Roxbot. Allowing custom outputs predefined by the moderators.

For example, we can set a command to require a prefix and call it "roxbot" and configure an output. Then if a user does `;roxbot` roxbot will output the configured output.
ERROR_AT_MENTION = "Custom Commands cannot mention people/roles/everyone."
ERROR_COMMAND_NULL = "That Custom Command doesn't exist."
ERROR_COMMAND_EXISTS = "Custom Command already exists."
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ class CustomCommands:
async def custom(self, ctx):
A group of commands to manage custom commands for your server.
Requires the Manage Messages permission.
@@ -149,8 +153,28 @@ class CustomCommands:
async def add(self, ctx, command_type, command, *output):
"""Adds a custom command to the list of custom commands."""
# TODO: Better command docstring for better help with embeds
"""Adds a custom command to the list of custom commands.

- `type` - There are three types of custom commands.
- `no_prefix`/`0` - These are custom commands that will trigger without a prefix. Example: a command named `test` will trigger when a user says `test` in chat.
- `prefix`/`1` - These are custom commands that will trigger with a prefix. Example: a command named `test` will trigger when a user says `;test` in chat.
- `embed`/`2` - These are prefix commands that will output a rich embed. [You can find out more about rich embeds from Discord's API documentation.]( Embed types currently support these fields: `title, description, colour, color, url, footer, image, thumbnail`
- `name` - The name of the command. No commands can have the same name.
- `output` - The output of the command. The way you input this is determined by the type.

`no_prefix` and `prefix` types support single outputs and also listing multiple outputs. When the latter is chosen, the output will be a random choice of the multiple outputs.

# Add a no_prefix command called "test" with the output "hello world"
;cc add no_prefix test "hello world"
# Add a prefix command called test2 with a randomised output between "the person above me is annoying" and "the person above me is cool :sunglasses:"
;cc add prefix test2 "the person above me is annoying" "the person above me is cool :sunglasses:
# Add an embed command called test3 with a title of "Title" and a description that is a markdown hyperlink to a youtube video, and the colour #deadbf
;cc add embed test3 title "Title" description "[Click here for a rad video](" colour #deadbf

Note: With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one thing. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with three speech quotes at either side instead.
if command_type in ("0", "no_prefix", "no prefix"):
command_type = "0"
if len(output) == 1:
@@ -194,7 +218,15 @@ class CustomCommands:
async def edit(self, ctx, command, *edit):
""""Edits an existing custom command."""
"""Edits an existing custom command.

# edit a command called test to output "new output"
;cc edit test "new output"

For more examples of how to setup a custom command, look at the help for the ;custom add command.
You cannot change the type of a command. If you want to change the type, remove the command and re-add it.
settings = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
no_prefix_commands = settings["custom_commands"]["0"]
prefix_commands = settings["custom_commands"]["1"]
@@ -234,7 +266,12 @@ class CustomCommands:
async def remove(self, ctx, command):
""""Removes a custom command."""
"""Removes a custom command.

# Remove custom command called "test"
;cc remove test
settings = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)

command = command.lower()
@@ -257,7 +294,7 @@ class CustomCommands:

async def list(self, ctx, debug="0"):
""""Lists all custom commands for this server."""
"""Lists all custom commands for this guild."""
if debug != "0" and debug != "1":
debug = "0"
settings = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
