Procházet zdrojové kódy

This is as much as i can be bothered todo tbh

Roxie Gibson před 6 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 161 přidání a 16 odebrání
  1. +161

+ 161
- 16
roxbot/settings/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ from roxbot import checks, guild_settings, EmbedColours
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

# TODO: yes the menu system fucking sucks and will be fixed in the next version I just cba right now.
# TODO: Module the menu system
# TODO: Display the settings your changing in the menu as yu change them.

class Settings:
@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ class Settings:

def _make_settings_menu(self, ctx):
x = 0
output = "'Roxbot Settings:'\n—————————————————————————————\n"
output = "'Roxbot Settings:' #Note: Some of this options aren't finish and don't work.\n—————————————————————————————\n"
settings = []
for setting in self.guild_settings:
# is_anal has its own command for now but should be put into this menu when 2.0 hits.
@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ class Settings:
output += "[{}] Edit '{}' settings\n".format(x, setting)
x += 1
output += "[{}] Exit\n".format(x)
output += "[{}] Exit\n".format(0)
x += 1
return "```python\n" + output + "```", x, settings
@@ -187,7 +190,6 @@ class Settings:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

async def logging(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits the logging settings.
@@ -260,7 +262,6 @@ What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.guild_settings.update(settings.logging, "logging")

async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for self assign cog.
@@ -274,11 +275,11 @@ What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign'
[0] Enable Self Assign
[1] Disable Self Assign
[2] Add a role to the Self Assign list
[3] Remove a role to the Self Assign list
[4] List all roles that can be self-assigned
[1] Enable Self Assign
[2] Disable Self Assign
[3] Add a role to the Self Assign list
[4] Remove a role to the Self Assign list
[5] List all roles that can be self-assigned
if msg is None:
@@ -291,11 +292,11 @@ What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?

response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "0":
if response.content == "1":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "1":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "3":
selection = "addrole"
output = """
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
What role do you want to make self-assignable?
elif response.content == "3":
elif response.content == "4":
selection = "removerole"
output = """
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ What role do you want to make self-assignable?
What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
elif response.content == "4":
elif response.content == "5":
return await ctx.invoke(self.printsettings, option="self_assign")
await msg.delete()
@@ -366,7 +367,102 @@ What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
greetschannel/goodbyeschannel: Sets the channels for either option. Must be a ID or mention.
custommessage: specifies a custom message for the greet messages.
# TODO: Menu and probably restructure
if selection is None:
def menu_check(m):
return == and ==

if changes is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave'
[1] Edit Greets
[2] Edit Goodbyes
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
changes = "greets"
elif response.content == "2":
changes = "goodbyes"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

if changes == "greets":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Greets'
[1] Enable Greets
[2] Disable Greets
[3] Set Greets channel
[4] Add custom Greets message
else: # The only other option is goodbyes due to how this command is structured.
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Goodbyes'
[1] Enable Goodbyes
[2] Disable Goodbyes
[3] Set Goodbyes channel
await msg.edit(output)
response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "3" and changes == "greets":
selection = "greetschannel"
elif response.content == "3" and changes == "goodbyes":
selection = "goodbyeschannel"
elif response.content == "4" and changes == "greets":
selection = "custommessage"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
if response.content == "3":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - {0}'
What channel do you want to set as the {0} channel?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, response.content)
elif response.content == "4":
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: JoinLeave - Greets'
What channel do you want to set as the custom greets message?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
changes = response.content
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
greets = self.guild_settings.greets
@@ -447,7 +543,56 @@ What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
;settings permrole addadmin Admin
# TODO: Menu
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Perm Roles'
[1] Add Admin Role
[2] Remove Admin Role
[3] Add Mod Role
[4] Remove Mod Role
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return == and ==

response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "1":
selection = "addadmin"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "removeadmin"
elif response.content == "3":
selection = "addmod"
elif response.content == "4":
selection = "removemod"
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
if response.content in ["1", "3"]:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Perm Roles'
What role do you want to add?
await msg.edit(content=output)
response = await"message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=response.content)
if role is None:
raise commands.BadArgument("Role {} not found. Exiting...".format(response.content))
await msg.delete()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
perm_roles = self.guild_settings.perm_roles

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