Переглянути джерело

Parsing for multiple choice questions, doesn't try and use the bot object before declaration, now display's and knows correct answer along with emoji.

roxie 6 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 25 додано та 10 видалено
  1. +25

+ 25
- 10
cogs/trivia.py Переглянути файл

@@ -36,28 +36,42 @@ class Trivia:
def __init__(self, bot_client):
# Get emoji objects here for the reactions. Basically to speedup the reactions for the game.
# For some reason this is quicker than bot.get_emojis
self.bot = bot_client
a_emoji = discord.utils.get(self.bot.emojis, id=419572828854026252)
b_emoji = discord.utils.get(self.bot.emojis, id=419572828925329429)
c_emoji = discord.utils.get(self.bot.emojis, id=419572829231775755)
d_emoji = discord.utils.get(self.bot.emojis, id=419572828954820620)
self.emojis = [a_emoji, b_emoji, c_emoji, d_emoji]
self.bot = bot_client
self.games = {}

def get_questions(self, amount=10):
r = requests.get("https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount={}&type=boolean".format(amount))
r = requests.get("https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount={}".format(amount))
return r.json()

def parse_question(self, question):
output = "Category: {}\nDifficulty: {}\nQuestion: {}\n".format(question["category"], question["difficulty"],
if question["type"] == "boolean":
# List of possible answers
choices = ["True", "False"]
correct = question["correct_answer"]
# Get index of correct answer
correct = choices.index(correct)
# Create output
answers = "{} {}\n{} {}".format(str(self.emojis[0]), choices[0], str(self.emojis[1]), choices[1])
output += answers
elif question["type"] == "multiple":
return output
# Get possible answers and shuffle them in a list
incorrect = question["incorrect_answers"]
correct = question["correct_answer"]
choices = [incorrect[0], incorrect[1], incorrect[2], correct]
# Then get the index of the corrent answer
correct = choices.index(correct)
# Create output
answers = "{} {}\n{} {}\n{} {}\n{} {}".format(str(self.emojis[0]), choices[0], str(self.emojis[1]), choices[1], str(self.emojis[2]), choices[2], str(self.emojis[3]), choices[3])
output += answers
return output, correct

async def add_question_reactions(self, message, question):
if question["type"] == "boolean":
@@ -70,20 +84,21 @@ class Trivia:
async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
"""Logic for answering a question"""
if reaction.me or user.id in self.games[reaction.message.channel.id]["answered"]:
return # Maybe add something removing reactions if they are not allowed.
elif reaction.emoji in self.emojis and reaction.message == self.games[reaction.message.channel.id]["current_question"]:

async def game(self, ctx, channel, questions):
for question in questions:
output = self.parse_question(question)
output, correct = self.parse_question(question)
message = await ctx.send("Waiting for reacts")
await self.add_question_reactions(message, question)
await message.edit(content=output)
self.games[ctx.channel.id]["current_question"] = message
self.games[channel.id]["answer"] = correct
self.games[channel.id]["current_question"] = message
await asyncio.sleep(10)
await message.clear_reactions()
# Correct answer
await ctx.send("Correct Answer is {} '{}'".format(self.emojis[self.games[channel.id]["answer"]], question["correct_answer"]))
# Scores
# Display that
# make sure to check that there is still players playing after a question
@@ -118,7 +133,7 @@ class Trivia:
amount = "medium"

# Game Dictionaries
game = {"players": {player.id: 0}, "active": 0, "length": length[amount], "current_question": None, "answered": []}
game = {"players": {player.id: 0}, "active": 0, "length": length[amount], "current_question": None, "answered": [], "answer": ""}
self.games[channel.id] = game

# Waiting for players
