소스 검색

put most pride flag fliters in and added pillow to the requirements

Roxie Gibson 6 년 전
2개의 변경된 파일121개의 추가작업 그리고 15개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +1
  2. +120

+ 1
- 0
requirements.txt 파일 보기

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

+ 120
- 15
roxbot/cogs/image.py 파일 보기

@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ from discord.ext import commands

class PrideFlags:
"""Class to produce pride flags for the filters in roxbot."""
def __init__(self, rows=0, colours=None, even=True, ratio=None):
"""Class to produce pride flags for the filters in Roxbot."""
def __init__(self, rows=0, colours=None, ratio=None):
self.rows = rows
self.colours = colours
self.even = even
self.ratio = ratio or [(1/rows)]*rows # Custom ratio is here for things like the bi pride flag
self.ratio = ratio or tuple([(1/rows)]*rows) # Custom ratio is here for things like the bi pride flag

def lgbt(cls):
@@ -35,6 +34,54 @@ class PrideFlags:
colours = (blue, pink, white, pink, blue)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours)

def non_binary(cls):
rows = 4
yellow = (255, 244, 51)
white = (255, 255, 255)
purple = (155, 89, 208)
grey = (45, 45, 45)
colours = (yellow, white, purple, grey)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours)

def bi(cls):
rows = 3
ratio = (0.4, 0.2, 0.4)
pink = (215, 2, 112)
lavender = (115, 79, 150)
blue = (0, 56, 168)
colours = (pink, lavender, blue)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours, ratio=ratio)

def pan(cls):
rows = 3
pink = (255, 33, 140)
yellow = (255, 216, 0)
blue = (33, 177, 255)
colours = (pink, yellow, blue)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours)

def ace(cls):
rows = 4
black = (0, 0, 0)
grey = (163, 163, 163)
white = (255, 255, 255)
purple = (128, 0, 128)
colours = (black, grey, white, purple)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours)

def gq(cls):
rows = 3
purple = (181, 126, 220)
white = (255, 255, 255)
green = (74, 129, 35)
colours = (purple, white, green)
return cls(rows=rows, colours=colours)

class CustomCommands:
def __init__(self, bot_client):
@@ -52,25 +99,27 @@ class CustomCommands:
await roxbot.http.download_file(url, f)

ava = Image.open(f)

top = 0
bottom = int(math.ceil(
ava.height * flag.ratio[0])) # we use math.ceil here to avoid rounding errors when converting float to int
top = 0 # In the box we use, top is used to define which part of the image we are working on
bottom = 0 # And bottom defines the height. That should help you visualise why I increment the values the way I do

for x, colour in enumerate(flag.colours):
# Grab the next slice of the images height and width
# we use math.ceil here to avoid rounding errors when converting float to int
height = int(math.ceil(ava.height * flag.ratio[x]))
width = ava.width
bottom += height
box = (0, top, width, bottom)

# Make the colour block and the transparency mask at the slice size. Then crop the next part of the image
row = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colour)
mask = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 123))
slice = ava.crop(box)
crop = ava.crop(box)

# Combine all three and paste it back into original image
part = Image.composite(slice, row, mask)
part = Image.composite(crop, row, mask)
ava.paste(part, box)

top += height
bottom += height

filename = name + f
@@ -79,10 +128,11 @@ class CustomCommands:
return file

async def filter(self, ctx):
async def pride(self, ctx):
"""A collection of filters that show simple LGBT pride flags over the image provided."""

async def lgbt(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author
@@ -93,8 +143,8 @@ class CustomCommands:
await ctx.send(file=file)

async def trans(self, ctx, user:discord.Member=None):
async def trans(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

@@ -104,6 +154,61 @@ class CustomCommands:
await ctx.send(file=file)

@pride.command(aliases=["nonbinary", "nb"])
async def enby(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

flag = PrideFlags.non_binary()
async with ctx.typing():
file = await self.flag_filter("nb", flag, user)
await ctx.send(file=file)

async def bi(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

flag = PrideFlags.bi()
async with ctx.typing():
file = await self.flag_filter("bi", flag, user)
await ctx.send(file=file)

async def gq(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

flag = PrideFlags.gq()
async with ctx.typing():
file = await self.flag_filter("gq", flag, user)
await ctx.send(file=file)

async def pan(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

flag = PrideFlags.pan()
async with ctx.typing():
file = await self.flag_filter("pan", flag, user)
await ctx.send(file=file)

async def ace(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.author

flag = PrideFlags.ace()
async with ctx.typing():
file = await self.flag_filter("pan", flag, user)
await ctx.send(file=file)

def setup(bot_client):
