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Added subreddit cache system and fixed a bug that was failing to exit the loop when a post was found, making the commands slow af. Made the command more efficient and added helpful comments.

Roxie Gibson 6 years ago
2 changed files with 43 additions and 14 deletions
  1. +5
  2. +38

+ 5
- 2 View File

@@ -23,16 +23,19 @@ _Coming Soon_
- `roll` command rewrite by TBTerra#5677. It can now do a lot more complex rolls that makes it actually useful!
- `purge` command added for clearing a chat. Only available to users with the `manage_messages` perms.
- Internal settings now have automatic and manual local backups. Manual backups activated by the `backup` command.
- `subreddit` and other subcommands should now have a post buffer to improve results and reduce similar images appearing.
###### Minor Changes
- Logging is now easier internally.
- Logging output has been improved for the `aesthetics` command.
- The `subreddit` command has logging. Only when it is being directly invoked and not when an inbuilt command is being used.
- Added who the `waifurate` command is dedicated to in the command description.
- Added more helpful error handling for `MissingRequiredArgument`, `BadArgument`, `MissingPermissions`, and `BotMissingPermissions` errors.
- Reddit cog got some lovely refactoring, which includes some author credit when posting.
- Fixed `guild` command because that was really messed up and wasn't at all helpful.
- Reddit cog got some lovely refactoring, code should be more efficient now and speeds should be better. Had some weird bugs with loops.
- `subreddit` and other subcommands now will provide author credit.
###### Bug Fixes
- ";-;" and other similar text emoticons now no longer raises the CommandNotFound error.
- `changenickname` has been fixed. Forgot to port some stuff over in there.
- Fixed `guild` command because that was really messed up and wasn't at all helpful.

#### v1.5.1
##### Hot Fixes

+ 38
- 12
Roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def imgur_get(url):

def ero_get(url):
if url.contains("eroshare"):
if "eroshare" in url:
url = "" + url.split("/")[3]
page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ def parse_url(url):
class Reddit():
def __init__(self, bot_client): = bot_client
self.post_cache = {}
for guild in
self.post_cache[] = [("","")]

async def subreddit(self, ctx, subreddit):
@@ -106,25 +109,47 @@ class Reddit():
subreddit = subreddit.lower()
links = subreddit_request(subreddit)
title = ""
choice = {}

if not links:
if not links or not links.get("after"): # The second part is if we are given a search page that has links in it.
return await ctx.send("Error ;-; That subreddit probably doesn't exist. Please check your spelling")
if not links["after"]: # This is if we are given a search page that has links in it.
return await ctx.send("Error ;-; That subreddit probably doesn't exist. Please check your spelling")

url = ""
for x in range(10):
choice = random.choice(links["children"])
if choice["data"]["over_18"] and not checks.nsfw_predicate(ctx):
return await ctx.send("This server/channel doesn't have my NSFW stuff enabled. This extends to posting NFSW content from Reddit.")
url = parse_url(choice["data"]["url"])
x = 0
# While loop here to make sure that we check if there is any image posts in the links we have. If so, just take the first one.
# Choosing a while loop here because, for some reason, the for loop would never exit till the end. Leading to slow times.
while not url or x > 10:
choice = random.choice(links["children"])["data"]
url = parse_url(choice["url"])
if url:
title = "**{}** \nby /u/{} from /r/{}\n".format(unescape(choice["data"]["title"]), unescape(choice["data"]["author"]), subreddit)
x_old = int(x)
# If the url or id are in the cache, continue the loop. If not, proceed with the post.
for cache in self.post_cache[]:
if url in cache or choice["id"] in cache:
x += 1
if x_old != x: # Has x been incremented
url = "" # Restart search for new post

title = "**{}** \nby /u/{} from /r/{}\n".format(unescape(choice["title"]), unescape(choice["author"]),subreddit)
if not url:

# Check if post is NSFW, and if it is and this channel doesn't past the NSFW check, then return with the error message.
if choice["over_18"] and not checks.nsfw_predicate(ctx):
return await ctx.send("This server/channel doesn't have my NSFW stuff enabled. This extends to posting NFSW content from Reddit.")
if not url: # If no image posts could be found with the for loop.
return await ctx.send("I couldn't find any images from that subreddit.")

# Put the post ID and url in the cache. The url is used in case of two posts having the same link. Handy to avoid crossposts getting through the cache.
cache_amount = 10
post = (choice["id"], url)
if len(self.post_cache[]) >= cache_amount:

if url.split("/")[-2] == "a":
text = "This is an album, click on the link to see more.\n"
@@ -136,6 +161,7 @@ class Reddit():
log_channel =["channel"])
await log(ctx.guild, log_channel, "subreddit",, Subreddit=subreddit, Returned="<{}>".format(url),,

# Not using a embed here because we can't use video in rich embeds but they work in embeds now :/
return await ctx.send(title + text + url)

