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improved codefactor (made no functional changes)

Terra Barber 6 years ago
1 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions
  1. +25

+ 25
- 24
roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class Fun:
temp[1] = int(item[2])
if temp[1] > rollMaxDice:#if there are an unreasonable number of dice, error out. almost no-one needs to roll 9999d20
return await ctx.send("I'm sorry {}, I'm afraid I cant do that. (To many dice to roll, max {})".format(,rollMaxDice))
if temp[1] > rollMaxVerbose and rollVerbose == True:#if there is a sub expression that involves lots of rolls then turn off verbose mode
if temp[1] > rollMaxVerbose and rollVerbose:#if there is a sub expression that involves lots of rolls then turn off verbose mode
rollVerbose = False
response += '*Warning:* large number of rolls detected, will not use verbose rolling.\n'
temp[2] = int(item[3])
@@ -97,52 +97,53 @@ class Fun:
response += 'Roll {}: '.format(i+1)
response += 'Rolled: '
for j in range(len(dice)):#for each dice set in the expression
for j, die in enumerate(dice):#for each dice set in the expression
if j != 0 and rollVerbose:#dont need the + before the first element
response += ' + '
if dice[j][0] == -1 and rollVerbose:#all the dice sets will return positive numbers so the sign is set entirely by the sign value (element 0)
if die[0] == -1 and rollVerbose:#all the dice sets will return positive numbers so the sign is set entirely by the sign value (element 0)
response += '-'
if dice[j][2] == 1:#its just a number
if die[2] == 1:#its just a number
if rollVerbose:
response += '{}'.format(dice[j][1])
total += dice[j][0] * dice[j][1]
response += '{}'.format(die[1])
total += die[0] * die[1]
else:#its a dice or set of dice
if rollVerbose:
response += '('
temp = []
for k in range(dice[j][1]):#for each dice in number of dice
for k in range(die[1]):#for each dice in number of dice
t = [0,'']
t[0] = random.randint(1,dice[j][2])#roll the dice
t[0] = random.randint(1,die[2])#roll the dice
t[1] = '{}'.format(t[0])
if t[0] <= dice[j][3]:#if its below or equal to the re-roll value, then re-roll it
t[0] = random.randint(1,dice[j][2])
if t[0] <= die[3]:#if its below or equal to the re-roll value, then re-roll it
t[0] = random.randint(1,die[2])
t[1] += '__{}__'.format(t[0])#underline the re-roll so its clear thats the one to pay attention to
def takeFirst(ele):
return ele[0]
if dice[j][4] > 0:#if its selecting highest
if die[4] > 0:#if its selecting highest
temp.sort(key=takeFirst, reverse=True)#sort the rolled dice. highest first
for k in range(len(temp)):
if k >= dice[j][4]:#if the position in the sorted list is greater than the number of dice wanted, cross it out, and make it not count towards the total
temp[k][1] = '~~' + temp[k][1] + '~~'
temp[k][0] = 0
if dice[j][4] < 0:#if its selecting lowest
for k, val in enumerate(temp):
if k >= die[4]:#if the position in the sorted list is greater than the number of dice wanted, cross it out, and make it not count towards the total
val[1] = '~~' + val[1] + '~~'
val[0] = 0
if die[4] < 0:#if its selecting lowest
for k in range(len(temp)):#sort the rolled dice. lowest first
if k >= -dice[j][4]:#if the position in the sorted list is greater than the number of dice wanted, cross it out, and make it not count towards the total
temp[k][1] = '~~' + temp[k][1] + '~~'
temp[k][0] = 0
for k in range(len(temp)):##loop through all dice rolled and add them to the total. also print them if in verbose mode
for k, val in enumerate(temp):#sort the rolled dice. lowest first
if k >= -die[4]:#if the position in the sorted list is greater than the number of dice wanted, cross it out, and make it not count towards the total
val[1] = '~~' + val[1] + '~~'
val[0] = 0
for k, val in enumerate(temp):##loop through all dice rolled and add them to the total. also print them if in verbose mode
if rollVerbose:
response += '{},'.format(temp[k][1])
total+= dice[j][0] * temp[k][0]
response += '{},'.format(val[1])
total+= die[0] * val[0]
if rollVerbose:
response = response[:-1] + ')'#clip the trailing ',' and replace it with a ')'
if rollVerbose:
response += ' Totaling: {}'.format(total)
response += ' Total: {}'.format(total)
if i < (times-1): response += '\n'
if i < (times-1):
response += '\n'
return await ctx.send(response)

