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moved all strings to variables in customcommands cog.

Roxie Gibson 5 years ago
1 changed files with 31 additions and 18 deletions
  1. +31

+ 31
- 18
roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -32,6 +32,19 @@ import roxbot

class CustomCommands:
ERROR_AT_MENTION = "Custom Commands cannot mention people/roles/everyone."
ERROR_COMMAND_NULL = "That Custom Command doesn't exist."
ERROR_COMMAND_EXISTS = "Custom Command already exists."
ERROR_COMMAND_EXISTS_INTERNAL = "This is already the name of a built in command."
ERROR_EMBED_VALUE = "Not enough options given to generate embed."
ERROR_INCORRECT_TYPE = "Incorrect type given."
ERROR_OUTPUT_TOO_LONG = "Failed to set output. Given output was too long."
ERROR_PREFIX_SPACE = "Custom commands with a prefix can only be one word with no spaces."

OUTPUT_ADD = "{} has been added with the output: '{}'"
OUTPUT_EDIT = "Edit made. {} now outputs {}"
OUTPUT_REMOVE = "Removed {} custom command"

def __init__(self, bot_client): = bot_client
self.embed_fields = ("title", "description", "colour", "color", "footer", "image", "thumbnail", "url")
@@ -131,13 +144,13 @@ class CustomCommands:
elif command_type in ("2", "embed"):
command_type = "2"
if len(output) < 2:
return await ctx.send("Not enough options given to generate embed.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_EMBED_VALUE)
output = self._embed_parse_options(output)
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("Failed to set output. Given output was too long.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_OUTPUT_TOO_LONG)
return await ctx.send("Incorrect type given.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_INCORRECT_TYPE)

settings = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
no_prefix_commands = settings.custom_commands["0"]
@@ -146,19 +159,19 @@ class CustomCommands:
command = command.lower()

if ctx.message.mentions or ctx.message.mention_everyone or ctx.message.role_mentions:
return await ctx.send("Custom Commands cannot mention people/roles/everyone.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_AT_MENTION)
elif len(output) > 1800:
return await ctx.send("The output is too long")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_OUTPUT_TOO_LONG)
elif command in and command_type == "1":
return await ctx.send("This is already the name of a built in command.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_COMMAND_EXISTS_INTERNAL)
elif command in no_prefix_commands or command in prefix_commands or command in embed_commands:
return await ctx.send("Custom Command already exists.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_COMMAND_EXISTS)
elif len(command.split(" ")) > 1 and command_type == "1":
return await ctx.send("Custom commands with a prefix can only be one word with no spaces.")
return await ctx.send()

settings.custom_commands[command_type][command] = output
settings.update(settings.custom_commands, "custom_commands")
return await ctx.send("{} has been added with the output: '{}'".format(command, output))
return await ctx.send(self.OUTPUT_ADD.format(command, output))

async def edit(self, ctx, command, *edit):
@@ -169,35 +182,35 @@ class CustomCommands:
embed_commands = settings.custom_commands["2"]

if ctx.message.mentions or ctx.message.mention_everyone or ctx.message.role_mentions:
return await ctx.send("Custom Commands cannot mention people/roles/everyone.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_AT_MENTION)

if command in no_prefix_commands:
if len(edit) == 1:
edit = edit[0]
settings.custom_commands["0"][command] = edit
settings.update(settings.custom_commands, "custom_commands")
return await ctx.send("Edit made. {} now outputs {}".format(command, edit))
return await ctx.send(self.OUTPUT_EDIT.format(command, edit))

elif command in prefix_commands:
if len(edit) == 1:
edit = edit[0]
settings.custom_commands["1"][command] = edit
settings.update(settings.custom_commands, "custom_commands")
return await ctx.send("Edit made. {} now outputs {}".format(command, edit))
return await ctx.send(self.OUTPUT_EDIT.format(command, edit))

elif command in embed_commands:
if len(edit) < 2:
return await ctx.send("Not enough options given to generate embed.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_EMBED_VALUE)
edit = self._embed_parse_options(edit)
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("Failed to set output. Given output was too long.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_OUTPUT_TOO_LONG)
settings.custom_commands["2"][command] = edit
settings.update(settings.custom_commands, "custom_commands")
return await ctx.send("Edit made. {} now outputs {}".format(command, edit))
return await ctx.send(self.OUTPUT_EDIT.format(command, edit))

return await ctx.send("That Custom Command doesn't exist.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_COMMAND_NULL)

async def remove(self, ctx, command):
@@ -216,11 +229,11 @@ class CustomCommands:
elif command in embed_commands:
command_type = "2"
return await ctx.send("Custom Command doesn't exist.")
return await ctx.send(self.ERROR_COMMAND_NULL)

settings.update(settings.custom_commands, "custom_commands")
return await ctx.send("Removed {} custom command".format(command))
return await ctx.send(self.OUTPUT_REMOVE.format(command))

async def list(self, ctx, debug="0"):
