
Settings cog moved over to the new internal settings object stuff. Also some extra comments here and there/

Roxie Gibson 6年前
  1. +37
  2. +92
  3. +9

+ 37
- 9
Roxbot/settings/guild_settings.py ファイルの表示

@@ -50,10 +50,19 @@ guild_template = {

def _open_config():
Opens the guild settings file
:return settings file: :type dict:
with open('Roxbot/settings/servers.json', 'r') as config_file:
return json.load(config_file)

def _write_changes(config):
Writes given config to disk.
:param config: :type dict:
with open('Roxbot/settings/servers.json', 'w') as conf_file:
json.dump(config, conf_file)

@@ -91,7 +100,12 @@ def error_check(servers):
"WARNING: The settings file for {} was missing the {} setting in the {} cog. This has been fixed with the template version. It is disabled by default.".format(
server.name.upper(), setting.upper(), cog_setting.upper()))

def get(guilds):
def get_all(guilds):
Returns a list of GuildSettings for all guilds the bot can see.
:param guilds:
:return list of GuildSettings: :type list:
guild_list = []
for guild in guilds:
@@ -99,6 +113,15 @@ def get(guilds):
return guild_list

def get(guild):
Gets a single GuildSettings Object representing the settings of that guild
:param guild:
:return Single GuildSettings Object: :type GuildSettings:
return GuildSettings(guild)

def get_guild(guilds, wanted_guild):
for guild in guilds:
if guild.id == wanted_guild.id:
@@ -106,18 +129,24 @@ def get_guild(guilds, wanted_guild):
return None

class GuildSettings(object):

An Object to store all settings for one guild.
The goal is to make editing settings a lot easier and make it so you don't have to handle things like ID's which caused a lot of issues when moving over to discord.py 1.0
__slots__ = ["settings", "id", "name", "nsfw", "self_assign", "greets", "goodbyes", "twitch", "perm_roles", "custom_commands", "warnings", "is_anal", "gss"]

def __init__(self, guild):
self.id = guild.id
self.name = str(guild)
self.settings = _open_config()[str(self.id)]
self.settings = self.refresh()

def __str__(self):
return self.name

def refresh(self):
return _open_config()[str(self.id)]

def get_settings(self):
self.nsfw = self.settings["nsfw"]
self.self_assign = self.settings["self_assign"]
@@ -131,12 +160,11 @@ class GuildSettings(object):
# Add custom cog settings loading here
self.gss = self.settings["gss"]

def update_settings(self, changed_dict, setting = None):
def update(self, changed_dict, setting = None):
self.settings = self.refresh()
if setting is not None:
self.settings[str(self.id)][setting] = changed_dict
self.settings[setting] = changed_dict
self.settings[str(self.id)] = changed_dict
settings = _open_config()
settings[str(self.id)] = self.settings
self.settings = changed_dict

+ 92
- 77
Roxbot/settings/settings.py ファイルの表示

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import aiohttp
import asyncio

from Roxbot import checks, load_config
from Roxbot.settings.guild_settings import ServerConfig
from Roxbot.settings import guild_settings as settings

import discord
from discord.ext.commands import bot, group, is_owner, bot_has_permissions
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ class Settings:
def __init__(self, bot_client):
self.bot = bot_client
self.con = ServerConfig()
self.serverconfig = self.con.servers
self.settings = settings

def get_channel(self, ctx, channel):
if ctx.message.channel_mentions:
@@ -112,7 +111,6 @@ class Settings:
await self.bot.change_nickname(ctx.message.server.me, nick)
return await ctx.send(":thumbsup:")

async def changeactivity(self, ctx, *, game: str):
@@ -162,8 +160,7 @@ class Settings:
async def printsettings(self, ctx, option=None):
"OWNER OR ADMIN ONLY: Prints the servers settings file."
self.serverconfig = self.con.load_config()
config = self.serverconfig[str(ctx.guild.id)]
config = self.settings.get(ctx.guild)
em = discord.Embed(colour=0xDEADBF)
em.set_author(name="{} settings for {}.".format(self.bot.user.name, ctx.message.guild.name), icon_url=self.bot.user.avatar_url)
if option in config:
@@ -188,8 +185,7 @@ class Settings:
async def settings(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
return await ctx.send('Missing Argument')
self.serverconfig = self.con.load_config()
self.guild_id = str(ctx.guild.id)
self.guild_settings = self.settings.get(ctx.guild)

async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
@@ -201,29 +197,28 @@ class Settings:
selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
self_assign = self.guild_settings.self_assign

if selection == "enable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["self_assign"]["enabled"] = 1
self_assign["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'self_assign' was enabled!")
elif selection == "disable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["self_assign"]["enabled"] = 0
self_assign["enabled"] = 0
await ctx.send("'self_assign' was disabled :cry:")
elif selection == "addrole":
if role.id in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["self_assign"]["roles"]:
return await ctx.send("{} is already a self-assignable role.".format(role.name),

if role.id in self_assign["roles"]:
return await ctx.send("{} is already a self-assignable role.".format(role.name))
await ctx.send('Role "{}" added'.format(str(role)))
elif selection == "removerole":
if role.id in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["self_assign"]["roles"]:
if role.id in self_assign["roles"]:
await ctx.send('"{}" has been removed from the self-assignable roles.'.format(str(role)))
return await ctx.send("That role was not in the list.")
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
return self.guild_settings.update(self_assign, "self_assign")

async def joinleave(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
@@ -233,38 +228,50 @@ class Settings:
enable/disable: Enable/disables parts of the cog. Needs to specify which part.
;settings joinleave enable greets|goodbyes
welcomechannel/goodbyeschannel: Sets the channels for either option. Must be a ID or mention.
greetschannel/goodbyeschannel: Sets the channels for either option. Must be a ID or mention.
custommessage: specifies a custom message for the greet messages.
selection = selection.lower()
if selection == "enable":
if changes == "greets":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["greets"]["enabled"] = 1
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
greets = self.guild_settings.greets
goodbyes = self.guild_settings.goodbyes

if changes == "greets":
if selection == "enable":
greets["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'greets' was enabled!")
elif changes == "goodbyes":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["goodbyes"]["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'goodbyes' was enabled!")
elif selection == "disable":
if changes == "greets":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["greets"]["enabled"] = 0
elif selection == "disable":
greets["enabled"] = 0
await ctx.send("'greets' was disabled :cry:")
elif changes == "goodbyes":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["goodbyes"]["enabled"] = 0

elif changes == "goodbyes":
if selection == "enable":
goodbyes["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'goodbyes' was enabled!")
elif selection == "disable":
goodbyes["enabled"] = 0
await ctx.send("'goodbyes' was disabled :cry:")
elif selection == "welcomechannel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["greets"]["welcome-channel"] = channel.id
await ctx.send("{} has been set as the welcome channel!".format(channel.mention))
elif selection == "goodbyeschannel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["goodbyes"]["goodbye-channel"] = channel.id
await ctx.send("{} has been set as the goodbye channel!".format(channel.mention))
elif selection == "custommessage":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["greets"]["custom-message"] = changes
await ctx.send("Custom message set to '{}'".format(changes))

return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
if selection == "greetschannel":
greets["welcome-channel"] = channel.id
changes = "greets"
await ctx.send("{} has been set as the welcome channel!".format(channel.mention))
elif selection == "goodbyeschannel":
goodbyes["goodbye-channel"] = channel.id
changes = "goodbyes"
await ctx.send("{} has been set as the goodbye channel!".format(channel.mention))
elif selection == "custommessage":
greets["custom-message"] = changes
changes = "greets"
await ctx.send("Custom message set to '{}'".format(changes))
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")

if changes == "greets":
return self.guild_settings.update(greets, "greets")
elif changes == "goodbyes":
return self.guild_settings.update(goodbyes, "goodbyes")

async def twitch(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
@@ -275,21 +282,23 @@ class Settings:
channel: Sets the channel to shill in.
selection = selection.lower()
twitch = self.guild_settings.twitch

if selection == "enable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["twitch"]["enabled"] = 1
twitch["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'twitch' was enabled!")
elif selection == "disable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["twitch"]["enabled"] = 0
twitch["enabled"] = 0
await ctx.send("'twitch' was disabled :cry:")
elif selection == "channel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["twitch"]["channel"] = channel.id
twitch["channel"] = channel.id
await ctx.send("{} has been set as the twitch shilling channel!".format(channel.mention))
# Is lacking whitelist options. Might be added or might be depreciated.
# Turns out this is handled in the cog and I don't think it needs changing but may be confusing.
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
return self.guild_settings.update(twitch, "twitch")

async def permrole(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
@@ -303,52 +312,56 @@ class Settings:
selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
perm_roles = self.guild_settings.perm_roles

if selection == "addadmin":
if role.id not in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["perm_roles"]["admin"]:
if role.id not in perm_roles["admin"]:
await ctx.send("'{}' has been added to the Admin role list.".format(role.name))
return await ctx.send("'{}' is already in the list.".format(role.name))
elif selection == "addmod":
if role.id not in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["perm_roles"]["mod"]:
if role.id not in perm_roles["mod"]:
await ctx.send("'{}' has been added to the Mod role list.".format(role.name))
return await ctx.send("'{}' is already in the list.".format(role.name))
elif selection == "removeadmin":
await ctx.send("'{}' has been removed from the Admin role list.".format(role.name))
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("That role was not in the list.")
elif selection == "removemod":
await ctx.send("'{}' has been removed from the Mod role list.".format(role.name))
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("That role was not in the list.")

return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
return self.guild_settings.update(perm_roles, "perm_roles")

async def gss(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
"""Custom Cog for the GaySoundsShitposts Discord Server."""
selection = selection.lower()
gss = self.guild_settings.gss

if selection == "loggingchannel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["gss"]["log_channel"] = channel.id
gss["log_channel"] = channel.id
await ctx.send("Logging Channel set to '{}'".format(channel.name))
elif selection == "requireddays":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["gss"]["required_days"] = int(changes)
gss["required_days"] = int(changes)
await ctx.send("Required days set to '{}'".format(str(changes)))
elif selection == "requiredscore":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["gss"]["required_score"] = int(changes)
gss["required_score"] = int(changes)
await ctx.send("Required score set to '{}'".format(str(changes)))
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
return self.guild_settings.update(gss, "gss")

@@ -363,57 +376,59 @@ class Settings:
;settings nsfw addchannel #nsfw_stuff
selection = selection.lower()
nsfw = self.guild_settings.nsfw

if selection == "enable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["nsfw"]["enabled"] = 1
nsfw["enabled"] = 1
await ctx.send("'nsfw' was enabled!")
elif selection == "disable":
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["nsfw"]["enabled"] = 0
nsfw["enabled"] = 0
await ctx.send("'nsfw' was disabled :cry:")
elif selection == "addchannel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
if channel.id not in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["nsfw"]["channels"]:
if channel.id not in nsfw["channels"]:
await ctx.send("'{}' has been added to the nsfw channel list.".format(channel.name))
return await ctx.send("'{}' is already in the list.".format(channel.name))
elif selection == "removechannel":
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
await ctx.send("'{}' has been removed from the nsfw channel list.".format(channel.name))
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("That role was not in the list.")
elif selection == "addbadtag":
if changes not in self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["nsfw"]["blacklist"]:
if changes not in nsfw["nsfw"]["blacklist"]:
await ctx.send("'{}' has been added to the blacklisted tag list.".format(changes))
return await ctx.send("'{}' is already in the list.".format(changes))
elif selection == "removebadtag":
await ctx.send("'{}' has been removed from the blacklisted tag list.".format(changes))
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("That tag was not in the blacklisted tag list.")
return await ctx.send("No valid option given.")
return self.con.update_config(self.serverconfig)
return self.guild_settings.update(nsfw, "nsfw")

async def serverisanal(self, ctx):
"""Tells the bot where the server is anal or not.
This only changes if roxbot can do the suck and spank commands outside of the specified nsfw channels."""
self.serverconfig = self.con.load_config()
is_anal = self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["is_anal"]["y/n"]
if is_anal == 0:
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["is_anal"]["y/n"] = 1
return await ctx.send("I now know this server is anal")
is_anal = self.guild_settings.is_anal
if is_anal["y/n"] == 0:
is_anal["y/n"] = 1
self.guild_settings.update(is_anal, "is_anal")
await ctx.send("I now know this server is anal")
self.serverconfig[self.guild_id]["is_anal"]["y/n"] = 0
return await ctx.send("I now know this server is NOT anal")
is_anal["y/n"] = 0
self.guild_settings.update(is_anal, "is_anal")
await ctx.send("I now know this server is NOT anal")
return self.guild_settings.update()

def setup(bot_client):

+ 9
- 3
main.py ファイルの表示

@@ -49,19 +49,25 @@ async def on_ready():

# In the next two functions, I was gunna user bot.settings for something but I don't think it's possible.
# So while I don't use it, the function still will do their jobs of adding and removing the settings.

async def on_server_join(guild):
bot.settings = gs.get(guild)

bot.settings = gs.get_all(bot.guilds)

async def on_server_remove(guild):
bot.settings = gs.get(bot.guilds)
bot.settings = gs.get_all(bot.guilds)

async def on_message(message):
Checks if the user is blacklisted, if not, process the message for commands as usual.
:param message:
if blacklisted(message.author):
return await bot.process_commands(message)
