
Started work on the settings menu.Should still be very backwards compatiable when done.

Roxie Gibson 6 年之前
共有 4 個檔案被更改,包括 257 行新增36 行删除
  1. +1
  2. +2
  3. +1
  4. +253

+ 1
- 0
roxbot/cogs/reddit.py 查看文件

@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ class Reddit():

url = ""
x = 0
# TODO: Test possible crashing here.
# While loop here to make sure that we check if there is any image posts in the links we have. If so, just take the first one.
# Choosing a while loop here because, for some reason, the for loop would never exit till the end. Leading to slow times.
while not url or not x > 20:

+ 2
- 0
roxbot/converters.py 查看文件

@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ class EmojiConverter(commands.EmojiConverter):
return await super().convert(ctx, argument)
raise commands.BadArgument("""Emoji "{}" not found/is unicode emoji. Unicode emoji isn't currently supported.""".format(argument))

# TODO: Make functions that work like converters but aren't so they actually work in other areas too.

+ 1
- 1
roxbot/guild_settings.py 查看文件

@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ guild_template = {
"channel": "",
"whitelist_enabled": 0,
"whitelist": []
"nsfw": {
"enabled": 0,
@@ -64,6 +63,7 @@ guild_template = {
"convert": {"need_perms": "bool", "skip_voting": "bool"},
"max_length": 600

+ 253
- 35
roxbot/settings/settings.py 查看文件

@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class Settings:
;blacklist [add|+ OR remove|-] @user#0000
# TODO: Make this better instead of relying on mentions
blacklist_amount = 0
mentions = ctx.message.mentions

@@ -174,60 +175,210 @@ class Settings:
await self.bot.logout()
return exit(0)

def parse_setting(self, ctx, setting):
settingcontent = ""
convert = setting.get("convert", None)
if convert is not None:
for x in convert.keys():
if convert[x] == "bool":
if setting[x] == 0:
setting[x] = "False"
setting[x] = "True"
elif convert[x] == "channel":
if isinstance(setting[x], list):
new_channels = []
for channel in setting[x]:
except AttributeError:
setting[x] = new_channels
setting[x] = self.bot.get_channel(setting[x]).mention
except AttributeError:
elif convert[x] == "role":
if isinstance(setting[x], list):
new_roles = []
for role_id in setting[x]:
new_roles.append(discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id).name)
except AttributeError:
setting[x] = new_roles
setting[x] = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=setting[x]).name
except AttributeError:
elif convert[x] == "user":
if isinstance(setting[x], list):
new_users = []
for user_id in setting[x]:

user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
if user is None:
setting[x] = new_users
user = self.bot.get_user(setting[x])
if user is None:
setting[x] = str(setting[x])
setting[x] = str(user)

for x in setting.items():
if x[0] != "convert":
settingcontent += str(x).strip("()") + "\n"
return settingcontent

async def printsettings(self, ctx, option=None):
"OWNER OR ADMIN ONLY: Prints the servers settings file."
# TODO: Use paginator to make the output here not break all the time.
config = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
settings = dict(config.settings) # Make a copy of settings so we don't change the actual settings.
em = discord.Embed(colour=EmbedColours.pink)
em.set_author(name="{} settings for {}.".format(self.bot.user.name, ctx.message.guild.name), icon_url=self.bot.user.avatar_url)
if option in config.settings:
settingcontent = ""
for x in config.settings[option].items():
settingcontent += str(x).strip("()") + "\n"
if option in settings:
settingcontent = self.parse_setting(ctx, settings[option])
em.add_field(name=option, value=settingcontent, inline=False)
return await ctx.send(embed=em)
for settings in config.settings:
if settings != "custom_commands" and settings != "warnings":
settingcontent = ""
for x in config.settings[settings].items():
settingcontent += str(x).strip("()") + "\n"
em.add_field(name=settings, value=settingcontent, inline=False)
elif settings == "custom_commands":
for setting in settings:
if setting != "custom_commands" and setting != "warnings":
settingcontent = self.parse_setting(ctx, settings[setting])
em.add_field(name=setting, value=settingcontent, inline=False)
elif setting == "custom_commands":
em.add_field(name="custom_commands", value="For Custom Commands, use the custom list command.", inline=False)
return await ctx.send(embed=em)

def _make_settings_menu(self, ctx):
x = 0
output = "'Roxbot Settings:'\n—————————————————————————————\n"
settings = []
for setting in self.guild_settings:
# is_anal has its own command for now but should be put into this menu when 2.0 hits.
if setting in ["warnings", "custom_commands", "is_anal"]:
elif setting == "gss" and ctx.guild.id != 393764974444675073:
output += "[{}] Edit '{}' settings\n".format(x, setting)
x += 1
output += "[{}] Exit\n".format(x)
x += 1
return "```python\n" + output + "```", x, settings

async def settings(self, ctx):
self.guild_settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send("Test, Send 1")
output, count, settings = self._make_settings_menu(ctx)
msg = await ctx.send(output)
def author_reply(m):
return m.author.id == ctx.author.id and ctx.channel.id == m.channel.id
reply = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=author_reply)
x = 0
output = ""
for setting in self.guild_settings:
output += "{}) Edit '{}' settings\n".format(x, setting)
x += 1
output = "```python\n" + output + "```"
if reply.content == "1":
return await ctx.send(output)
return await ctx.send("Invaild response, Exiting...")

reply = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=author_reply, timeout=40)
if 0 > int(reply.content) > count:
return await ctx.send("Option out of range. Exiting...")
option = int(reply.content)
if settings[option] == "logging":
return await ctx.invoke(self.logging, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "gss":
return await ctx.invoke(self.gss, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "self_assign":
return await ctx.invoke(self.selfassign, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "is_anal":
return await ctx.invoke(self.serverisanal, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "twitch":
return await ctx.invoke(self.twitch, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "nsfw":
return await ctx.invoke(self.nsfw, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "perm_roles":
return await ctx.invoke(self.permrole, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "voice":
return await ctx.invoke(self.voice, msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "greets":
return await ctx.invoke(self.joinleave, changes="greets", msg=msg)
elif settings[option] == "goodbyes":
return await ctx.invoke(self.joinleave, changes="goodbyes", msg=msg)
await msg.delete()
return await ctx.send("Exiting...")
except ValueError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

async def logging(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def logging(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits the logging settings.

enable/disable: Enable/disables logging.
channel: sets the channel.
# TODO: Optimise the menu system to be dynamic at some point
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Logging'
[0] Enable Logging
[1] Disable Logging
[2] Set Logging Channel
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "0":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "1":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "channel"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Logging Channel'
What channel should the Logging Channel be set to?
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)
res = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, res.content)
if channel is False:
raise commands.BadArgument("Channel {} not found. Exiting...".format(res.content))
await msg.delete()
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)

@@ -247,15 +398,76 @@ class Settings:

async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def selfassign(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for self assign cog.

enable/disable: Enable/disables the cog.
addrole/removerole: adds or removes a role that can be self assigned in the server.
selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
if selection is None:
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign'
[0] Enable Self Assign
[1] Disable Self Assign
[2] Add a role to the Self Assign list
[3] Remove a role to the Self Assign list
[4] List all roles that can be self-assigned
if msg is None:
msg = await ctx.send(output)
msg = await msg.edit(content=output)

def menu_check(m):
return ctx.author == m.author and ctx.channel == m.channel

response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
if response.content == "0":
selection = "enable"
elif response.content == "1":
selection = "disable"
elif response.content == "2":
selection = "addrole"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign - Add Role'
What role do you want to make self-assignable?
elif response.content == "3":
selection = "removerole"
output = """
'Roxbot Settings: Self Assign - Remove Role'
What role do you want remove from the self-assignable list?
elif response.content == "4":
return await ctx.invoke(self.printsettings, option="self_assign")
await msg.delete()
raise commands.BadArgument("Invalid index given for menu. Exiting...")

if selection in ["removerole", "addrole"]:
await msg.edit(content=output)
res = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=40, check=menu_check)
role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=res.content)
if role is None:
raise commands.BadArgument("Role {} not found. Exiting...".format(res.content))
await msg.delete()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await msg.delete()
raise commands.CommandError("Menu timed out. Exiting...")

selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)

self_assign = self.guild_settings.self_assign

if selection == "enable":
@@ -280,7 +492,7 @@ class Settings:
return self.guild_settings.update(self_assign, "self_assign")

async def joinleave(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def joinleave(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for joinleave cog.

@@ -290,6 +502,7 @@ class Settings:
greetschannel/goodbyeschannel: Sets the channels for either option. Must be a ID or mention.
custommessage: specifies a custom message for the greet messages.
# TODO: Menu and probably restructure
selection = selection.lower()
channel = self.get_channel(ctx, changes)
greets = self.guild_settings.greets
@@ -333,13 +546,14 @@ class Settings:
return self.guild_settings.update(goodbyes, "goodbyes")

async def twitch(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def twitch(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for self assign cog.

enable/disable: Enable/disables the cog.
channel: Sets the channel to shill in.
# TODO: Menu also needs editing since I edited the twitch backend
selection = selection.lower()
twitch = self.guild_settings.twitch

@@ -360,7 +574,7 @@ class Settings:
return self.guild_settings.update(twitch, "twitch")

async def permrole(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def permrole(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for permission roles.

@@ -369,6 +583,7 @@ class Settings:
;settings permrole addadmin Admin
# TODO: Menu
selection = selection.lower()
role = discord.utils.find(lambda u: u.name == changes, ctx.message.guild.roles)
perm_roles = self.guild_settings.perm_roles
@@ -403,8 +618,9 @@ class Settings:
return self.guild_settings.update(perm_roles, "perm_roles")

async def gss(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def gss(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Custom Cog for the GaySoundsShitposts Discord Server."""
# TODO: Menu
selection = selection.lower()
gss = self.guild_settings.gss

@@ -424,7 +640,7 @@ class Settings:

async def nsfw(self, ctx, selection, *, changes = None):
async def nsfw(self, ctx, selection=None, *, changes=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for the nsfw cog and other nsfw commands.
If nsfw is enabled and nsfw channels are added, the bot will only allow nsfw commands in the specified channels.

@@ -435,6 +651,7 @@ class Settings:
;settings nsfw addchannel #nsfw_stuff
# TODO: Menu
selection = selection.lower()
nsfw = self.guild_settings.nsfw

@@ -475,7 +692,7 @@ class Settings:
return self.guild_settings.update(nsfw, "nsfw")

async def voice(self, ctx, setting, change):
async def voice(self, ctx, setting=None, change=None, msg=None):
"""Edits settings for the voice cog.
enable/disable: Enable/disables specified change.
@@ -487,6 +704,7 @@ class Settings:
;settings voice enable skipvoting
# TODO: Menu
setting = setting.lower()
change = change.lower()
voice = self.guild_settings.voice
