Переглянути джерело

moved the scrapper in reddit cog into its own class. Easier for me to maintain with my terrible eyes.

moved the scrapper in reddit cog into its own class. Easier for me to maintain with my terrible eyes.
Roxie Gibson 5 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 125 додано та 98 видалено
  1. +125

+ 125
- 98
roxbot/cogs/reddit.py Переглянути файл

@@ -36,72 +36,127 @@ import roxbot
from roxbot import guild_settings

async def _imgur_removed(url):
page = await roxbot.http.get_page(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
return bool("removed.png" in soup.img["src"])
except TypeError: # This should protect roxbot in case bs4 returns nothing.
return False

async def imgur_get(url):
if url.split(".")[-1] in ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "gifv"):
return url
if await _imgur_removed(url):
return False

if not roxbot.imgur_token:
class Scrapper:
# TODO: Reimplement eroshare, eroshae, and erome support. Also implement better api interaction with imgur now we require api key
def __init__(self, cache_limit=10):
self.post_cache = {}
self.cache_limit = cache_limit

async def _imgur_removed(url):
page = await roxbot.http.get_page(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
return bool("removed.png" in soup.img["src"])
except TypeError: # This should protect roxbot in case bs4 returns nothing.
return False

base_endpoint = "https://api.imgur.com/3/"
endpoint_album = base_endpoint + "album/{}/images.json".format(url.split("/")[-1])
endpoint_image = base_endpoint + "image/{}.json".format(url.split("/")[-1])

resp = await roxbot.http.api_request(endpoint_image, headers={"Authorization": "Client-ID {}".format(roxbot.imgur_token)})
if bool(resp["success"]) is True:
return resp["data"]["link"]
async def imgur_get(self, url):
if url.split(".")[-1] in ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "gifv"):
return url
resp = await roxbot.http.api_request(endpoint_album,
headers={"Authorization": "Client-ID {}".format(roxbot.imgur_token)})
return resp["data"][0]["link"]

if await self._imgur_removed(url):
return False

# TODO: Reimplement eroshare, eroshae, and erome support. Also implement better api interaction with imgur now we require api key
if not roxbot.imgur_token:
return False

base_endpoint = "https://api.imgur.com/3/"
endpoint_album = base_endpoint + "album/{}/images.json".format(url.split("/")[-1])
endpoint_image = base_endpoint + "image/{}.json".format(url.split("/")[-1])

async def subreddit_request(subreddit):
options = [".json?count=1000", "/top/.json?sort=top&t=all&count=1000"]
choice = random.choice(options)
subreddit += choice
url = "https://reddit.com/r/"+subreddit
r = await roxbot.http.api_request(url)
posts = r["data"]
return posts
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return {}

resp = await roxbot.http.api_request(endpoint_image,
headers={"Authorization": "Client-ID {}".format(roxbot.imgur_token)})
if bool(resp["success"]) is True:
return resp["data"]["link"]
resp = await roxbot.http.api_request(endpoint_album,headers={"Authorization": "Client-ID {}".format(roxbot.imgur_token)})
return resp["data"][0]["link"]

async def parse_url(self, url):
if url.split(".")[-1] in ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "gifv", "webm", "mp4", "webp"):
return url
if "imgur" in url:
return await self.imgur_get(url)
elif "eroshare" in url or "eroshae" in url or "erome" in url:
return None
# return ero_get(url)
elif "gfycat" in url or "redd.it" in url or "i.reddituploads" in url or "media.tumblr" in url or "streamable" in url:
return url
return None

async def sub_request(subreddit):
options = [".json?count=1000", "/top/.json?sort=top&t=all&count=1000"]
choice = random.choice(options)
subreddit += choice
url = "https://reddit.com/r/" + subreddit
r = await roxbot.http.api_request(url)
posts = r["data"]
# This part is to check for some common errors when doing a sub request
# t3 is a post in a listing. We want to avoid not having this instead of a subreddit search, which would be t5.
if not posts.get("after") or posts["children"][0]["kind"] != "t3":
return {}
return posts
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return {}

def cache_refresh(self, cache_id):
# IF ID is not in cache, create cache for ID
if not self.post_cache.get(cache_id, False):
self.post_cache[cache_id] = [("", "")]

async def parse_url(url):
if url.split(".")[-1] in ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "gifv", "webm", "mp4", "webp"):
return url
if "imgur" in url:
return await imgur_get(url)
elif "eroshare" in url or "eroshae" in url or "erome" in url:
return False
#return ero_get(url)
elif "gfycat" in url or "redd.it" in url or "i.reddituploads" in url or "media.tumblr" in url or "streamable" in url:
return url
return False
async def random(self, posts, subreddit, cache_id, nsfw_allowed, loop_amount=20):
"""Function to pick a random post of a given list of reddit posts. Using the internal cache.
None for failing to get a url that could be posted.
A dict with the key success and the value False for failing the NSFW check
or the post dict if getting the post is successful
# This returns False if the subreddit is set the NSFW and the channel isn't.
sub_search = await roxbot.http.api_request("https://reddit.com/subreddits/search.json?q={}".format(subreddit))
for listing in sub_search["data"]["children"]:
if listing["data"]["id"] == posts[0]["data"]["subreddit_id"].strip("t5_"):
if listing["data"]["over18"] and not nsfw_allowed:
return False

# Loop to get the post randomly and make sure it hasn't been posted before
url = None
choice = None
for x in range(loop_amount):
choice = random.choice(posts)
url = await self.parse_url(choice["data"]["url"])
if url:
# "over_18" is not a typo. For some fucking reason, reddit has "over_18" for posts, "over18" for subs.
if not nsfw_allowed and choice["data"]["over_18"]:
url = False # Reject post and move to next loop
# Check cache for post
for cache in self.post_cache[cache_id]:
if url in cache or choice["data"]["id"] in cache:

# This is for either a False (NSFW post not allowed) or a None for none.
if url is None:
return {}
elif url is False:
return {"success": False}
# Cache post
post = (choice["data"]["id"], url)
# If too many posts in cache, remove oldest value.
if len(self.post_cache[cache_id]) >= self.cache_limit:
return choice["data"]

class Reddit:
def __init__(self, bot_client):
self.bot = bot_client
self.post_cache = {}
self.scrapper = Scrapper()

@@ -113,59 +168,30 @@ class Reddit:
{command_prefix}subreddit pics
subreddit = subreddit.lower()
links = await subreddit_request(subreddit)
title = ""
choice = {}
if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.DMChannel):
cache_id = ctx.author.id
cache_id = ctx.guild.id
cache_amount = 10
# IF ID is not in cache, create cache for ID
if not self.post_cache.get(cache_id, False):
self.post_cache[cache_id] = [("", "")]

if not links or not links.get("after") or links["children"][0]["kind"] == "t5": # Determine if response is valid
posts = await self.scrapper.sub_request(subreddit)
if not posts:
return await ctx.send("Error ;-; That subreddit probably doesn't exist. Please check your spelling")

url = ""
x = 0
# While loop here to make sure that we check if there is any image posts in the links we have. If so, just take the first one.
# Choosing a while loop here because, for some reason, the for loop would never exit till the end. Leading to slow times.
while not url and x <= 20:
choice = random.choice(links["children"])["data"]
url = await parse_url(choice["url"])
if url:
x_old = int(x)
# If the url or id are in the cache, continue the loop. If not, proceed with the post.
for cache in self.post_cache[cache_id]:
if url in cache or choice["id"] in cache:
x += 1
if x_old != x: # Has x been incremented
url = "" # Restart search for new post
if x > 20:

title = "**{}** \nby /u/{} from /r/{}\n".format(unescape(choice["title"]), unescape(choice["author"]), subreddit)
x += 1
if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.TextChannel):
nsfw_allowed = ctx.channel.is_nsfw()
nsfw_allowed = True

# Check if post is NSFW, and if it is and this channel doesn't past the NSFW check, then return with the error message.
if (choice["over_18"] and not ctx.channel.is_nsfw()) and isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.TextChannel):
return await ctx.send("This server/channel doesn't have my NSFW stuff enabled. This extends to posting NFSW content from Reddit.")
if not url: # If no image posts could be found with the for loop.
choice = await self.scrapper.random(posts["children"], subreddit, cache_id, nsfw_allowed)

if not choice:
return await ctx.send("I couldn't find any images from that subreddit.")
elif choice.get("success", True) is False:
return await ctx.send("This channel isn't marked NSFW. The subreddit given or all posts found are NSFW.")

# Put the post ID and url in the cache. The url is used in case of two posts having the same link to avoid crossposts getting through the cache.
post = (choice["id"], url)

if len(self.post_cache[cache_id]) >= cache_amount:
title = "**{}** \nby /u/{} from /r/{}\n".format(unescape(choice["title"]), unescape(choice["author"]), subreddit)
url = str(choice["url"])

if url.split("/")[-2] == "a":
text = "This is an album, click on the link to see more.\n"
@@ -185,7 +211,7 @@ class Reddit:
Time="{:%a %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S} UTC".format(ctx.message.created_at)

# Not using a embed here because we can't use video in rich embeds but they work in embeds now :/
@@ -230,5 +256,6 @@ class Reddit:
subreddit = "gaysoundsshitposts"
return await ctx.invoke(self.subreddit, subreddit=subreddit)

def setup(bot_client):
