Переглянути джерело

Started adding the logic for the answering the questions and correct answers. Also make sure the answers get unescaping.

roxie 6 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 67 додано та 18 видалено
  1. +67

+ 67
- 18
cogs/trivia.py Переглянути файл

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import requests
import datetime
from html import unescape
from random import shuffle
from discord.ext.commands import group, bot
from discord.ext.commands import group

@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ class Trivia:
self.emojis = [a_emoji, b_emoji, c_emoji, d_emoji]
self.games = {}

# Game Functions

def get_questions(self, amount=10):
r = requests.get("https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount={}".format(amount))
return r.json()
@@ -65,8 +67,10 @@ class Trivia:
incorrect = question["incorrect_answers"]
correct = question["correct_answer"]
choices = [incorrect[0], incorrect[1], incorrect[2], correct]
for answer in choices:
choices[choices.index(answer)] = unescape(answer)
# Then get the index of the corrent answer
# Then get the index of the correct answer
correct = choices.index(correct)
# Create output
answers = "{} {}\n{} {}\n{} {}\n{} {}".format(str(self.emojis[0]), choices[0], str(self.emojis[1]), choices[1], str(self.emojis[2]), choices[2], str(self.emojis[3]), choices[3])
@@ -81,24 +85,32 @@ class Trivia:
for x in range(amount):
await message.add_reaction(self.emojis[x])

async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
"""Logic for answering a question"""
if reaction.me or user.id in self.games[reaction.message.channel.id]["answered"]:
return # Maybe add something removing reactions if they are not allowed.
elif reaction.emoji in self.emojis and reaction.message == self.games[reaction.message.channel.id]["current_question"]:

async def game(self, ctx, channel, questions):
# For loop all the questions for the game, Maybe I should move the game dictionary here instead.
for question in questions:
# Parse question dictionary into something usable
output, correct = self.parse_question(question)
message = await ctx.send("Waiting for reacts")
self.games[channel.id]["correct_answer"] = correct
# Send a message, add the emoji reactions, then edit in the question to avoid issues with answering before reactions are done.
message = await ctx.send("Waiting for reacts")
await self.add_question_reactions(message, question)
await message.edit(content=output)
self.games[channel.id]["answer"] = correct
self.games[channel.id]["current_question"] = message
# Wait for answers
await asyncio.sleep(10)
self.games[channel.id]["current_question"] = None
await message.clear_reactions()
await ctx.send("Correct Answer is {} '{}'".format(self.emojis[self.games[channel.id]["answer"]], question["correct_answer"]))
# Display Correct answer and calculate and display scores.
index = self.games[channel.id]["correct_answer"]
await ctx.send("Correct Answer is {} '{}'".format(self.emojis[index], question["correct_answer"]))
correct_out = ""
for user, time in self.games[channel.id]["correct_users"].items():
seconds = (time - message.edited_at).total_seconds()
correct_out += "{} answered correctly in {}s\n".format(discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.users, id=user), seconds)
if not correct_out:
await ctx.send("No one got anything right.")
await ctx.send(correct_out)
# Scores
# Display that
# make sure to check that there is still players playing after a question
@@ -110,8 +122,41 @@ class Trivia:
await ctx.send("GAME END")

# Discord Events

async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
"""Logic for answering a question"""
# TODO: Debug this.
time = datetime.time()
if user == self.bot.user: # reaction.me isnt working idk why

channel = reaction.message.channel
message = reaction.message

if channel.id in self.games:
print("passed games check")
if user.id in self.games[channel.id]["players"] and message == self.games[channel.id]["current_question"]:
print("passed user playing check and message is current question check")
if reaction.emoji in self.emojis and user.id not in self.games[channel.id]["players_answered"]:
print("emoji is in emojis and user hasnt answered before")
if reaction.emoji == self.emojis[self.games[channel.id]["correct_answer"]]:
print("player is correct")
self.games[channel.id]["correct_users"][user.id] = time
return # Maybe add something removing reactions if they are not allowed.
print("removing reactions due to failing check 3")
return await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
print("removing reactions due to failing check 2")
return await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)

# Commands

async def trivia(self, ctx):

@@ -133,7 +178,15 @@ class Trivia:
amount = "medium"

# Game Dictionaries
game = {"players": {player.id: 0}, "active": 0, "length": length[amount], "current_question": None, "answered": [], "answer": ""}
game = {
"players": {player.id: 0},
"active": 0,
"length": length[amount],
"current_question": None,
"players_answered": [],
"correct_users": {},
"correct_answer": ""
self.games[channel.id] = game

# Waiting for players
@@ -197,10 +250,6 @@ class Trivia:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return await ctx.message.delete()

async def emojiid(self, ctx, emoji: discord.Emoji = None):
return await ctx.send(emoji.id)

def setup(Bot):
