import os from sites import gfy, imgur, tumblr, reddit class scrapper(): def __init__(self): pass def get(self, url): url2 = "" if "imgur" in url: url2 = imgur.imgur().get(url) elif "gfycat" in url: url2 = gfy.gfycat().get(str(url)) elif "eroshare" in url: #eroshare.eroshare().get(url) pass elif "" in url or "i.reddituploads" in url: url2 = reddit.reddit().get(url) elif "media.tumblr" in url: url2 = tumblr.tumblr().get(url) return url2 """def main(choice): print("====== Menu ======") print("1: Download Subreddit") print("2: Download User") print("3: Download Your Front Page") print("9: Settings") while choice == 0: try: choice = int(input("Choice: ")) if choice == 1: reddit().menu() elif choice == 2 or choice == 3: print("Feature in development") choice = 0 elif choice == 9: schoice = 0 print("") print("") print("====== Settings ======") print("1: Run redditsub in debug mode") print("2: Run eroshare in debug mode") print("3: Run imguralbum in debug mode") print("4: Run gfycatget in debug mode") print("5: Run Imgur().Get() in debug mode") print("9: Exit Program") schoice = int(input("Choice: ")) if schoice == 1: reddit().menu() elif schoice == 2: url = input("Url: ") eroshare().get(url,"Test") elif schoice == 3: id = input("ID: ") imgur().get_album(id,"Test") elif schoice == 4: url = input("Url: ") gfycat().get(url) elif schoice == 5: url = input("URL: ") imgur().get(url[::-1],"Test") elif schoice == 6: reddit().saved() elif schoice == 9: return True else: print("Can't even fucking select the right shit") else: print("Your choice doesn't exist") choice = 0 except ValueError: print("Use an interger number to choose from the menu") choice = 0 """ if __name__ == "__main__": varsetup() #spreadsheetsetup() print("Setting up Directory") os.chdir('/home/roxie/Storage_1/Hello') print("") exitchoice = False while exitchoice is False: exitchoice = main(0)