You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines

  1. from discord import ActivityType
  2. from discord.ext import commands
  3. from Roxbot import checks
  4. from Roxbot.settings import guild_settings
  5. def blacklisted(user):
  6. with open("settings/blacklist.txt", "r") as fp:
  7. for line in fp.readlines():
  8. if"\n" == line:
  9. return True
  10. return False
  11. class Twitch():
  12. """
  13. A cog that handles posting when users go live on Twitch
  14. """
  15. def __init__(self, bot_client):
  16. = bot_client
  17. async def on_member_update(self, member_b, member_a):
  18. """Twitch Shilling Part"""
  19. twitch = guild_settings.get(member_b.guild).twitch
  20. if blacklisted(member_b) or not twitch["enabled"]:
  21. return
  22. if member_a.activitiy:
  23. if member_a.activity.type == ActivityType.streaming and member_b.activity.type != ActivityType.streaming:
  24. if not twitch["whitelist"]["enabled"] or in twitch["whitelist"]["list"]:
  25. channel =["channel"])
  26. return await channel.send(":video_game:** {} is live!** :video_game:\n{}\n{}".format(
  29. @checks.is_admin_or_mod()
  30. async def whitelist(self, ctx):
  31. """Command group that handles the twitch cog's whitelist."""
  32. if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
  33. return await ctx.send('Missing Argument')
  34. @whitelist.command()
  35. async def enable(self, ctx):
  36. """Enables the twitch shilling whitelist. Repeat the command to disable.
  37. Usage:
  38. ;whitelist enable"""
  39. settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
  40. if not settings.twitch["whitelist"]["enabled"]:
  41. settings.twitch["whitelist"]["enabled"] = 1
  42. settings.update(settings.twitch, "twitch")
  43. return await ctx.send("Whitelist for Twitch shilling has been enabled.")
  44. else:
  45. settings.twitch["whitelist"]["enabled"] = 0
  46. settings.update(settings.twitch, "twitch")
  47. return await ctx.send("Whitelist for Twitch shilling has been disabled.")
  48. @whitelist.command()
  49. async def edit(self, ctx, option, mentions = None):
  50. """Adds or removes users to the whitelist. Exactly the same as the blacklist command in usage."""
  51. whitelist_count = 0
  52. settings = guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
  53. if not ctx.message.mentions and option != 'list':
  54. return await ctx.send("You haven't mentioned anyone to whitelist.")
  55. if option not in ['+', '-', 'add', 'remove', 'list']:
  56. return await ctx.send('Invalid option "%s" specified, use +, -, add, or remove' % option, expire_in=20)
  57. if option in ['+', 'add']:
  58. for user in ctx.message.mentions:
  59. settings.twitch["whitelist"]["list"].append(
  60. whitelist_count += 1
  61. settings.update(settings.twitch, "twitch")
  62. return await ctx.send('{} user(s) have been added to the whitelist'.format(whitelist_count))
  63. elif option in ['-', 'remove']:
  64. for user in ctx.message.mentions:
  65. if in settings.twitch["whitelist"]["list"]:
  66. settings.twitch["whitelist"]["list"].remove(
  67. whitelist_count += 1
  68. settings.update(settings.twitch, "twitch")
  69. return await ctx.send('{} user(s) have been removed to the whitelist'.format(whitelist_count))
  70. elif option == 'list':
  71. return await ctx.send(settings.twitch["whitelist"]["list"])
  72. def setup(bot_client):
  73. bot_client.add_cog(Twitch(bot_client))