Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

128 rindas

  1. import discord
  2. import checks
  3. from discord.ext.commands import group
  4. from config.server_config import ServerConfig
  5. import load_config
  6. # TODO: Sort out admin commands, mod commands, the settings before ever pushing this to general use. It needs to be a mod only thing.
  7. class CustomCommands():
  8. def __init__(self, Bot):
  9. = Bot
  10. self.con = ServerConfig()
  11. self.servers = self.con.servers
  12. async def on_message(self, message):
  13. msg = message.content.lower()
  14. channel =
  15. server =
  16. if ==
  17. return
  18. if msg.startswith(
  19. if msg.split([1] in self.servers[server]["custom_commands"]["1"]:
  20. return await, self.servers[server]["custom_commands"]["1"][msg.split([1]])
  21. elif len(msg.split(" ")) < 2:
  22. if msg.split(" ")[0] in self.servers[server]["custom_commands"]["0"]:
  23. return await, self.servers[server]["custom_commands"]["0"][msg.split(" ")[0]])
  24. @group(pass_context=True, aliases=["cc"])
  25. @checks.is_owner_or_admin()
  26. async def custom(self, ctx):
  27. "A group of commands to manage custom commands for your server."
  28. if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
  29. return await'Missing Argument')
  30. @custom.command(pass_context=True)
  31. async def add(self, ctx, command, output, prefix_required = "0"):
  32. "Adds a custom command to the list of custom commands."
  33. self.servers = self.con.load_config()
  34. command = command.lower()
  35. output = output.lower()
  36. zero = self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["0"]
  37. one = self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["1"]
  38. if ctx.message.mentions:
  39. return await"Custom Commands cannot mention people.")
  40. elif len(output) > 1999: # This probably wont happen atm since the command itself would make the whole message over len 2000 which would be impossible to send. But this is here incase we need to adjust this number.
  41. return await"The output is too long")
  42. elif command in and prefix_required == "1":
  43. return await"This is already the name of a built in command.")
  44. elif command in zero or command in one:
  45. return await"Custom Command already exists.")
  46. elif prefix_required != "1" and prefix_required != "0":
  47. return await"No prefix setting set.")
  48. self.servers[]["custom_commands"][prefix_required][command] = output
  49. self.con.update_config(self.servers)
  50. return await"{} has been added with the output: '{}'".format(command, output))
  51. @custom.command(pass_context=True)
  52. async def edit(self, ctx, command, edit):
  53. "Edits an existing custom command."
  54. self.servers = self.con.load_config()
  55. zero = self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["0"]
  56. one = self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["1"]
  57. if ctx.message.mentions:
  58. return await"Custom Commands cannot mention people.")
  59. if command in zero:
  60. self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["0"][command] = edit
  61. self.con.update_config(self.servers)
  62. return await"Edit made. {} now outputs {}".format(command, edit))
  63. elif command in one:
  64. self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["1"][command] = edit
  65. self.con.update_config(self.servers)
  66. return await"Edit made. {} now outputs {}".format(command, edit))
  67. else:
  68. return await"That Custom Command doesn't exist.")
  69. @custom.command(pass_context=True)
  70. async def remove(self, ctx, command):
  71. "Removes a custom command."
  72. self.servers = self.con.load_config()
  73. command = command.lower()
  74. if command in self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["1"]:
  75. self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["1"].pop(command)
  76. self.con.update_config(self.servers)
  77. return await"Removed {} custom command".format(command))
  78. elif command in self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["0"]:
  79. self.servers[]["custom_commands"]["0"].pop(command)
  80. self.con.update_config(self.servers)
  81. return await"Removed {} custom command".format(command))
  82. else:
  83. return await"Custom Command doesn't exist.")
  84. @custom.command(pass_context=True)
  85. async def list(self, ctx, debug="0"):
  86. "Lists all custom commands for this server."
  87. if debug != "0" and debug != "1":
  88. debug = "0"
  89. self.servers = self.con.load_config()
  90. l = self.servers[]["custom_commands"]
  91. listzero = ""
  92. listone = ""
  93. for command in l["0"]:
  94. if debug == "1":
  95. command += command + " - {}".format(l["0"][command])
  96. listzero = listzero + "- " + command + "\n"
  97. for command in l["1"]:
  98. if debug == "1":
  99. command += command + " - {}".format(l["1"][command])
  100. listone = listone + "- " + command + "\n"
  101. if not listone:
  102. listone = "There are no commands setup.\n"
  103. if not listzero:
  104. listzero = "There are no commands setup.\n"
  105. # TODO: Sort out a way to shorten this if it goes over 2000 characters.
  106. em = discord.Embed(title="Here is the list of Custom Commands", color=load_config.embedcolour)
  107. em.add_field(name="Commands that require Prefix:", value=listone, inline=False)
  108. em.add_field(name="Commands that don't:", value=listzero, inline=False)
  109. return await
  110. def setup(Bot):
  111. Bot.add_cog(CustomCommands(Bot))