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70 lines

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # ____ _ _
  3. # | _ \ _____ _| |__ ___ | |_
  4. # | |_) / _ \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \| __|
  5. # | _ < (_) > <| |_) | (_) | |_
  6. # |_| \_\___/_/\_\_.__/ \___/ \__|
  7. # Roxbot: An inclusive modular multi-purpose Discord bot.
  8. __title__ = "roxbot"
  9. __author__ = "Roxanne Gibson"
  10. __license__ = "MIT"
  11. __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017 Roxanne Gibson <>"
  12. __version__ = "2.1.3"
  13. __description__ = """Roxbot: An inclusive modular multi-purpose Discord bot. Built with love (and by Roxxers#7443.
  14. Roxbot is designed be a multi-purpose bot and provide many different services for users and moderators alike with a focus on customisability.
  15. Roxbot also has a focus on being inclusive and being fun for all kinds of people. Roxbot is a bot written by a queer woman with the lgbt community in mind.
  16. [Github link](
  17. [Changelog](
  18. [Docs](
  19. [Found a bug or need to report an issue? Report it here](
  20. """
  21. from .enums import EmbedColours
  22. from .config import config
  23. from .exceptions import UserError, CogSettingDisabled
  24. from . import checks, http, converters, utils, roxbotfacts, exceptions, db
  25. command_prefix = config["Roxbot"]["Command_Prefix"]
  26. owner = int(config["Roxbot"]["OwnerID"])
  27. token = config["Tokens"]["Discord"]
  28. imgur_token = config["Tokens"]["Imgur"]
  29. if config["Backups"]["enabled"] == "False":
  30. backup_enabled = False
  31. else:
  32. backup_enabled = True
  33. backup_rate = int(config["Backups"]["rate"]) * 60 # Convert minutes to seconds
  34. dev_mode = False
  35. datetime = "{:%a %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S} UTC"
  36. cog_list = [
  37. "roxbot.cogs.admin",
  38. "roxbot.cogs.customcommands",
  39. "",
  40. "roxbot.cogs.image",
  41. "roxbot.cogs.joinleave",
  42. "roxbot.cogs.nsfw",
  43. "roxbot.cogs.reddit",
  44. "roxbot.cogs.selfassign",
  45. "roxbot.cogs.trivia",
  46. "roxbot.cogs.util",
  47. "roxbot.cogs.voice",
  48. #"roxbot.cogs.ags"
  49. ]
  50. import logging
  51. handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='roxbot.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='a')
  52. handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s'))
  53. logger = logging.getLogger('roxbot')
  54. logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  55. logger.addHandler(handler)