Переглянути джерело

added all docstrings and comments. Also fixed setup.py

Roxie Gibson 4 роки тому
Не вдалося знайти GPG ключ що відповідає даному підпису
2 змінених файлів з 57 додано та 41 видалено
  1. +56
  2. +1

+ 56
- 40
seatingplan/__main__.py Переглянути файл

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import json
import yaml
import argparse
import configparser
from os.path import abspath, dirname, realpath
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from O365 import (Account, Connection, FileSystemTokenBackend,
@@ -20,31 +21,31 @@ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, dest="output_path", default="Sea
strftime_pattern = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
strptime_pattern = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"

# TODO: Input for staff emails

def read_config_file(config_path):
Reads config file and sets up variables foo
:return: config as a dict
with open(config_path, "r") as fp:
config = yaml.load(fp)
config = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
return config

def parse_args():
Parses arguments from the commandline.
:return: config yaml file as a dict
# TODO: Maybe the prints before exit could be a lil better at explaining the error.
args = parser.parse_args()

# Read the file provided and return the required config
if args.config_path:
# Read the file provided and return the required config
config = read_config_file(args.config_path)
config["output_path"] = args.output_path or "./Seating Plan.csv" # Create a default seating plan | I could do this in argparser tbh
config["config_path"] = args.config_path
config["output_path"] = args.output_path
config["users"] = sorted([x.lower() for x in config["users"]]) # make all names lowercase and sort alphabetically
return config

@@ -57,12 +58,13 @@ def parse_args():
def create_session(credentials, tenant_id):
Create a session with the API and save the token for later use.
:param credentials: tuple of (client_id, client_secret)
:param tentant_id: str of tenant_id
:return: Account class and email: str
my_protocol = MSOffice365Protocol(api_version='v2.0')
token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend(token_filename='access_token')
token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend(token_filename=f"{dirname(realpath(__file__))}/access_token") # Put access token where the file is so it can always access it.
return Account(
@@ -74,8 +76,7 @@ def create_session(credentials, tenant_id):
def authenticate_session(session: Account):
Authenticates account session object with oauth. Uses the default auth flow that comes with the library

It could be merged with oauth wrapper but this works too.
:param session: Account object
@@ -86,25 +87,12 @@ def authenticate_session(session: Account):
session.con.oauth_request("https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/calendar", "get")

def oauth_request(connection: Connection, url: str):
Wrapper for Connection.oauth_request to provide some error handling
:param connection:
:param url:
request = connection.oauth_request(url, "get")
if request.status_code != 200:
print(f"Request failed: GET request to {url} failed with {request.status_code} error")
return request

def get_week_datetime():
Gets the current week's Monday and Friday to be used to filter a calendar.

If this script is ran during the work week (Monday-Friday), it will be the current week. If it is ran on the weekend, it will generate for next week.
:return: Monday and Friday: Datetime object
today = datetime.now()
@@ -124,6 +112,13 @@ def get_week_datetime():

def get_event_range(beginning_of_week: datetime, connection: Connection, email: str):
Makes api call to grab a calender view within a 2 week window either side of the current week.
:param beginning_of_week: datetime object for this weeks monday
:param connection: a connection to the office365 api
:return: dict of json response
base_url = "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/"
scope = f"users/{email}/CalendarView"
@@ -143,33 +138,40 @@ def get_event_range(beginning_of_week: datetime, connection: Connection, email:

def add_attendees_to_ooo_list(attendees: list, ooo_list: list):
Function to aid the adding of attendees in a list to the list of people who will be out of offce.
:param attendees: list of attendees to event
:param ooo_list: list of the current days out of office users
:return: ooo_list once appended
for attendee in attendees:
attendee_name = attendee["EmailAddress"]["Name"].split(" ")[0] # Get first name
if attendee_name not in ooo_list.copy():
ooo_list.append(attendee_name.lower()) # Converted to lowercase so program is case insensitive
return ooo_list

def get_ooo_list(email: str, connection: Connection):
# TODO: Docstrings of new functions
# Get month
# check for any events that are longer than 1 day that has a start or end point in the month
# TODO: Update readme to explain that if an event is longer than a month, it won't be picked up by the script
# check if those events happen within the week by checking if the day we are checking is in between the two points of the event
# add this to a list of just events happening in this week that are defo a day long or less.
Makes request and parses data into a list of users who will not be in the office
:param email: string of the outofoffice email where the out of office calender is located
:param connection: a connection to the office365 api
:return: list of 5 lists representing a 5 day list. Each list contains the lowercase names of who is not in the office.
monday, friday = get_week_datetime()
events = get_event_range(monday, connection, email)
events = events["value"]
outofoffice = [[], [], [], [], []]
# Using a list to take advantage of datetime.weekday instead of dealing with trying to figure out what key to use

for event in events:
# removes last char due to microsofts datetime using 7 sigfigs for microseconds, python uses 6
# removes last char due to microsoft's datetime using 7 sigfigs for microseconds, python uses 6
start = datetime.strptime(event["Start"]["DateTime"][:-1], strptime_pattern)
end = datetime.strptime(event["End"]["DateTime"][:-1], strptime_pattern)
attendees = event["Attendees"]
# excluding outofoffice account
# remove outofoffice account by list comprehension
attendees = [x for x in attendees if x["EmailAddress"]["Address"] != email]
organizer = event["Organizer"]
@@ -183,7 +185,6 @@ def get_ooo_list(email: str, connection: Connection):
# Event is within the week we are looking at, add all attendees +
weekday = outofoffice[start.weekday()]
weekday = add_attendees_to_ooo_list(attendees, weekday)

# Check if long events cover the days of this week
for x, day_array in enumerate(outofoffice.copy()):
@@ -191,12 +192,17 @@ def get_ooo_list(email: str, connection: Connection):
if start <= current_day <= end:
# if day is inside of the long event
outofoffice[x] = add_attendees_to_ooo_list(attendees, day_array)
return outofoffice

def create_csv(ooo: list, users: list, output_path: str):
# maybe input all the names then selectivly remove them based on the events?
def create_ooo_csv(ooo: list, users: list, output_path: str):
Creates a csv of who is in the office and on what day.
:param ooo: a list of lists representing each day of a 5 day week. Each day's list has users who are not in that day
:param users: a list of names of people in the office
:param output_path: a str representing the output path of the csv file
with open(output_path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
fieldnames = ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=fieldnames)
@@ -204,6 +210,7 @@ def create_csv(ooo: list, users: list, output_path: str):
for user in users:
row = {}
for i, day in enumerate(fieldnames):
# for each day, check if the user is in that day, if not do not write their name into that day.
if user not in ooo[i]:
row[day] = user
@@ -216,11 +223,20 @@ def main():
Main function that is ran on start up. Script is ran from here.
config = parse_args()
session = create_session((config["client_id"], config["client_secret"]), config["tenant_id"])
client_id = config["client_id"]
client_secret = config["client_secret"]
tenant_id = config["tenant_id"]
output_path = config["output_path"]
users = config["users"]
email = config["ooo_email"]
session = create_session((client_id, client_secret), tenant_id)
ooo = get_ooo_list(config["ooo_email"], session.con)
create_csv(ooo, config["users"], config["output_path"])
ooo = get_ooo_list(email, session.con)
create_ooo_csv(ooo, users, output_path)
print("Created {}".format(abspath(output_path)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 1
- 1
setup.py Переглянути файл

@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ setuptools.setup(
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["seatingplan=seatingplan.__main__:main"]},
install_requires=("o365==2.0.1, pyyaml==5.1.1")
install_requires=("o365==2.0.1", "pyyaml==5.1.1")
