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Awesome Source CV Example

Latex CV based on CV template created by Alessandro Plasmati. The original templates use XeLaTeX engine and Fontin font. More informations can be found here :

I choose to move Personal data on top of the page just before the professional title. I’ve also replaced default font by Source Sans Pro Font and included Font Awesome icons.

I’ve chosen to cut my resume in a couple of smaller files and to create a class file to make the main latex source code more readable.

% Define author's name
% Usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>}
% Mandatory

% Define author's tagline
% Usage: \tagline{<tag line>} 
% Mandatory
\tagline{Chef de projet IT}
  \smartphone{+687 123 456}
  \address{2 Rue du quartier, 98765 Ville, Pays}\\
  \infos{Né le 23 septembre 1982 (33 ans) à Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie}

To describe your experiences you have first to declare the experiences environment

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% Here's go your experiences


Then you can describe your experiences using \experience and \consultantexperience entries. Each entry must be separated by the \emptyseparator

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% The experience entry work as below and can be used to describe a job experience
    {End date}      {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}    {
    				  experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

% The emptyseparator macro is used to create white space in your experience

% The consultantexperience macro is very similar to the experience macro, but offer you 
% the possibility tu put client details
    {End date}        {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}      {Client job title}{Clent enterprise}
                      experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}