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Roxie Gibson 5 years ago
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docs/ View File

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: Command Documentaion
title: Command Documentation
description: Documentation for all of Roxbot's commands.
- Roxanne Gibson

# Command Documentaion
# Command Documentation

If you intend to use any commands requiring permissions, it is highly recommened you read the [quick start]( guide that will get you upto date with how Roxbot works and how to run her.
If you intend to use any commands requiring permissions, it is highly recommend you read the [quick start]( guide that will get you up to date with how Roxbot works and how to run her.

## How to use the docs

@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ An alias is just another way of executing the command. Usually to shorten the co
When the command wants a CHANNEL, USER, MEMBER, or ROLE. This means the ID, name, or mention of that part of Discord. Role, User, and Member mentions start with a '@' and Channel mentions start with a '#'. A Member is the same as a User except a Member is explicitly a User in a Guild.

## Core Commands
These are the base commands for Roxbot that are a part of the core bot. All of them deal with internal management and are, for the most part, unavalible to average users.
These are the base commands for Roxbot that are a part of the core bot. All of them deal with internal management and are, for the most part, unavailable to average users.

### ;backup

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Creates a backup of all server's settings manually. This will make a folder in `settings/backups/`. The name of the folder will be outputted when you use the command. Using only this and not the automatic backups is not recommened.
Creates a backup of all server's settings manually. This will make a folder in `settings/backups/`. The name of the folder will be outputted when you use the command. Using only this and not the automatic backups is not recommend.

Command Structure:

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Command Structure:
### ;blacklist

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Manage the global blacklist for Roxbot.

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Examples:
### ;changeactivity

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Changes the activity that Roxbot is doing. This will be added as a game. "none" can be passed to remove an activity from Roxbot.

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Examples:
### ;changeavatar

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Changes the avatar of the bot account. This cannot be a gif due to Discord limitations.

@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Example:
This command cannot be used in private messages.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Changes the nickname of Roxbot in the guild this command is executed in.

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Example:
### ;changestatus

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Changes the status of the bot account.

@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Examples:
### ;echo

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Echos the given string to a given channel.

@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Example:

### ;help

Displays all commands you can execute in that channel. If a command is specifed, it will show the help for that command.
Displays all commands you can execute in that channel. If a command is specified, it will show the help for that command.

Command Structure:

@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Command Structure:


- `command` - OPTIONAL: If a command is specifed, it will show the help for that command. If this is a command group, it will show the commands in that group and some help. If a subcommand in a group, then the help for that command.
- `command` - OPTIONAL: If a command is specified, it will show the help for that command. If this is a command group, it will show the commands in that group and some help. If a subcommand in a group, then the help for that command.


@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Examples:
### ;shutdown

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
This command can only be exectuted by the owner of the Roxbot instance.
This command can only be executed by the owner of the Roxbot instance.

Shutdowns the bot.

@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ Examples:
!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user **and** Roxbot to have the `manage_messages` permission.
Purges the text channel the command is execture in. You can specify a certain user to purge as well.
Purges the text channel the command is executed in. You can specify a certain user to purge as well.

Command Structure:

@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Command Structure:


- `limit` - This the the amount of messages Roxbot will take from the chat and pruge. Note: This **does not** mean the amount that will be purged. Limit is the amount of messages Roxbot will look at. If a user is given, it will only delete messages from that user in that list of messages.
- `limit` - This the the amount of messages Roxbot will take from the chat and purge. Note: This **does not** mean the amount that will be purged. Limit is the amount of messages Roxbot will look at. If a user is given, it will only delete messages from that user in that list of messages.

- `USER` - A name, ID, or mention of a user. If the user has left the guild, this **has** to be the ID.

@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Options:

# Remove all warmings for Roxbot
# Remove all warnings for Roxbot
;warn remove Roxbot
# Remove warning 2 for Roxbot
;warn remove Roxbot 2
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ Examples:

!!! note
With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one thing. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with """this""" instead.
With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one argument. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with """this""" instead.

#### ;custom edit
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Example:

### ;coinflip

Filps a magical digital coin!
Flips a magical digital coin!

Command Structure:

@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ Command Structure:

`;xkcd [query: optional]`


# Get random comic
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ Args:

### ;pride

`;pride` is a command group for multiple pride flag filters. Avalible pride filters are: LGBT, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Non Binary, Agender, Gender Queer, Gender Fluid.
`;pride` is a command group for multiple pride flag filters. Available pride filters are: LGBT, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Non Binary, Agender, Gender Queer, Gender Fluid.

Command structure:

@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ Args:

- `--mobile`/`-m` - Launches the game in a mobile compatible mode. In case rich embeds are not readable, especially for Android users.

- `--solo`/`-s` - Skips waiting for users to join and launches the game immediatly. Useful for users just wanting to play solo.
- `--solo`/`-s` - Skips waiting for users to join and launches the game immediately. Useful for users just wanting to play solo.

- `--length`/`-l` - Takes option for the length of the game. Acceptable options are `short` (5 Questions), `medium` (10), and `long` (15).

@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ Example:

### ;emote

Displays infomation (creation date, guild, ID) and an easily downloadable version of the given custom emote.
Displays information (creation date, guild, ID) and an easily downloadable version of the given custom emote.

Command Structure:

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ class Admin:
async def purge(self, ctx, limit=0, *, author: roxbot.converters.User=None):
"""Purges the text channel the command is execture in. You can specify a certain user to purge as well.

- `limit` - This the the amount of messages Roxbot will take from the chat and pruge. Note: This **does not** mean the amount that will be purged. Limit is the amount of messages Roxbot will look at. If a user is given, it will only delete messages from that user in that list of messages.
- `limit` - This the the amount of messages Roxbot will take from the chat and purge. Note: This **does not** mean the amount that will be purged. Limit is the amount of messages Roxbot will look at. If a user is given, it will only delete messages from that user in that list of messages.
- `USER` - A name, ID, or mention of a user. If the user has left the guild, this **has** to be the ID.

@@ -154,8 +155,8 @@ class Admin:
async def warn(self, ctx):
"""The warn command group allows Discord moderators to warn users and log them within the bot.
The command group also supports setting limits to warn mods if a user has been warned over a certain threshold.

The command group also supports setting limits to warn mods if a user has been warned over a certain threshold.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
raise commands.CommandNotFound(ctx.subcommand_passed)
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ class Admin:
- `index` - OPTIONAL. The index of the single warning you want to remove.

# Remove all warmings for Roxbot
# Remove all warnings for Roxbot
;warn remove Roxbot
# Remove warning 2 for Roxbot
;warn remove Roxbot 2
@@ -349,8 +350,8 @@ class Admin:
async def set_limit(self, ctx, number_of_warnings: int):
Sets the limit for how many warnings a user can get before mod's are notified.
Example: if 3 is set, on the third warning, mods will be DM'd. If this is set to 0, DM's will be disabled.

Example: if 3 is set, on the third warning, mods will be DM'd. If this is set to 0, DM's will be disabled.
if number_of_warnings < 0:
raise commands.BadArgument(self.ERROR_WARN_SL_NEG)
@@ -371,7 +372,9 @@ class Admin:
async def kick(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=""):
"""Kicks the mentioned user with the ability to give a reason.

Requires the Kick Members permission.

- `USER` - A name, ID, or mention of a user.
- `reason` - OPTIONAL. A short reason for the kicking.
@@ -396,6 +399,7 @@ class Admin:
async def ban(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=""):
"""Bans the mentioned user with the ability to give a reason.

Requires the Ban Members permission.

@@ -422,10 +426,12 @@ class Admin:
async def unban(self, ctx, member: roxbot.converters.User, *, reason=""):
"""Unbans the mentioned user with the ability to give a reason.

Requires the Ban Members permission.

- `user_id` - The ID of a banned user.
- `reason` - OPTIONAL. A short reason for the unbanning.
- `user_id` - The ID of a banned user.
- `reason` - OPTIONAL. A short reason for the unbanning.

# Unban user with ID 478294672394

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class CustomCommands:
# Add an embed command called test3 with a title of "Title" and a description that is a markdown hyperlink to a youtube video, and the colour #deadbf
;cc add embed test3 title "Title" description "[Click here for a rad video](" colour #deadbf

Note: With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one thing. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with three speech quotes at either side instead.
Note: With custom commands, it is important to remember that "" is used to pass any text with spaces as one argument. If the output you want requires the use of these characters, surround your output with three speech quotes at either side instead.
if command_type in ("0", "no_prefix", "no prefix"):
command_type = "0"

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class Fun:
async def coinflip(self, ctx):
Filps a magical digital coin!
Flips a magical digital coin!
return await ctx.send("The coin landed on {}!".format(random.choice(["heads", "tails"])))

@@ -395,11 +395,19 @@ class Fun:
async def xkcd(self, ctx, *, query=None):
Grabs the image & metadata of the given xkcd comic. The query can be a comic number, comic title, or latest to get the latest. If not given, Roxbot will return a random comic.
{command_prefix}xkcd 666
{command_prefix}xkcd Silent Hammer
{command_prefix}xkcd latest
Grabs the image & metadata of the given xkcd comic.

The query can be a comic number, comic title, or latest to get the latest. If not given, Roxbot will return a random comic.

# Get random comic
# Get comic number 666
;xkcd 666
# Get comic with the title "Silent Hammer"
;xkcd "Silent Hammer"
# Get latest comic
;xkcd latest
msg = ""
title_query_url = "{}"
@@ -496,7 +504,10 @@ class Fun:

@commands.command(aliases=["rf", "roxfacts", "roxfact"])
async def roxbotfact(self, ctx):
"""Returns a random fact about Roxbot! Roxbot has her own lore that you can discover through out these facts. Written especially for Roxbot."""
"""Returns a random fact about Roxbot!

Roxbot has her own lore that you can discover through out these facts. Written especially for Roxbot.
# Roxbot fact cache
if isinstance(, discord.DMChannel):
cache_id =

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -220,8 +220,7 @@ class ImageEditor:
async def pride(self, ctx):
"""A collection of filters that show simple LGBT pride flags over the image provided.
The filters work with either your pfp, someone elses', or an image provided either by attachment or URL."""
"""`;pride` is a command group for multiple pride flag filters."""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
raise commands.CommandNotFound(ctx.subcommand_passed)

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class SelfAssign():
enable/disable: Enable/disables the cog.
add/remove: adds or removes a role that can be self assigned in the server.

Turn on self assigned roles and add a role called "ROLE"
`;sa enable`
@@ -101,8 +102,6 @@ class SelfAssign():
async def listroles(self, ctx):
List's all roles that can be self-assigned on this server.
settings = gs.get(ctx.guild)
paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="`", suffix="`")
@@ -125,8 +124,7 @@ class SelfAssign():
async def iam(self, ctx, *, role: discord.Role):
Self-assign yourself a role. Can only be done one role at a time.
{command_prefix}iam [role]

.iam OverwatchPing
@@ -152,8 +150,7 @@ class SelfAssign():
async def iamn(self, ctx, *, role: discord.Role):
Remove a self-assigned role. Can only be done one role at a time.
{command_prefix}iamn [role]

.iamn OverwatchPing

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roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ class Util:
async def emote(self, ctx, emote):
Displays infomation (creation date, guild, ID) and an easily downloadable version of the given custom emote.
Displays information (creation date, guild, ID) and an easily downloadable version of the given custom emote.

# Get infomation of the emoji ":Kappa:"
# Get information of the emoji ":Kappa:"
;emote :Kappa:
try: # If emote given is custom emote

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roxbot/ View File

@@ -236,8 +236,11 @@ class Core(ErrorHandling, Logging):
async def backup(self, ctx):
"""Creates a backup of all server's settings manually. This will make a folder in `settings/backups/`.

The name of the folder will be outputted when you use the command.
Using only this and not the automatic backups is not recommened."""

Using only this and not the automatic backups is not recommend.
time =
filename = "{:%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S} Manual Backup".format(time)
@@ -250,10 +253,12 @@ class Core(ErrorHandling, Logging):
async def blacklist(self, ctx, option, users: commands.Greedy[discord.User]):
""" Manage the global blacklist for Roxbot.
""" Manage the global blacklist for Roxbot.

- `option` - This is whether to add or subtract users from the blacklist. `+` or `add` for add and `-` or `remove` for remove.
- `users` - A name, ID, or mention of a user. This allows multiple users to be mentioned.

# Add three users to the blacklist
;blacklist add @ProblemUser1 ProblemUser2#4742 1239274620373
