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voice added and all command docs done. Some voice commands have been moved to volume perms which has changed to need perms

Roxie Gibson 5 years ago
2 changed files with 289 additions and 20 deletions
  1. +197
  2. +92

+ 197
- 0
docs/ View File

@@ -1608,24 +1608,221 @@ The Voice cog is a cog that adds and manages a fully-functional music bot for Ro

### ;join

Summon Roxbot to a voice channel, usually the one you are currently in.

!!! note
This is done automatically when you execute the `;play` or `;stream` commands.
!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission
Command Structure:

`;join [Voice Channel: optional]`


- `Voice Channel` - OPTIONAL. The name of a Voice Channel


# Join a voice channle called General
;join General

### ;nowplaying

Displays what is currently playing.

Command Structure:




### ;pause

Pauses the current video, if playing.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission if this is enabled by server admins using the needperms setting in `;voice`

Command Structure:


### ;play

Plays a video over voice chat using the given URL. This URL has to be one that YoutubeDL can download from. [A list can be found here.](

If the bot is already playing something, this will be queued up to be played later. If you want to play a livestream, use the `;stream` command.

!!! info
The user needs to be in a voice channel for this command to work. This is ignored if the user has the `manage_channels` permission. There is also a duration limit that can be placed on videos. This is also ignored if the user has the `manage_channels` permission.

Command Structure:

`;play url`


- `url` - A url to a video or playlist or a search term. If a playlist, it will play the first video and queue up all other videos in the playlist. If just text, Roxbot will play the first Youtube search result.


# Play the quality youtube video

### ;queue

Displays what videos are queued up and waiting to be played.

Command Structure:


### ;remove

Removes a video from the queue.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission
Command Structure:

`;remove index/"all"`


- `index/all` - A number representing an index in the queue to remove one video, or "all" to clear all videos.


# Remove 2nd video
;remove 2
# Clear the queue
;remove all

### ;resume

Resumes the bot, if paused.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission if this is enabled by server admins using the needperms setting in `;voice`

Command Structure:


### ;skip

Skips the current playing video.

If skipvoting is enabled, multiple people will have to use this command to go over the ratio that is also set by server moderators.

Command Structure:

`;skip [--force: optional]`


- `--force` - if skip voting is enabled, users with the `manage_channel` permission can skip this process and for the video to be skipped.


# Vote to skip a video
# Force skip a video
;skip --force

### ;stop

Stops Roxbot from playing music and has her leave voice chat.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission.
Command Structure:




### ;stream

A version of `;play` that should be used to stream livestreams or internet radio sources.

For more details on how this command words, please look at the documentation for the `;play` command.

Command Structure:

`;stream url`

### ;volume

Sets the volume percentage for Roxbot's audio.

The current volume of Roxbot is displayed by her nowplaying rich embeds that are displayed when she begins to play a video or when the `;nowplaying` command is used.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission if this is enabled by server admins using the needperms setting in `;voice`
Command Structure:

`;volume percent`


- `percent` - A positive integer between 0-100 representing a percentage.


# Set volume to 20%
;volume 20

### ;voice

Edits settings for the voice cog.

!!! warning "Required Permissions"
Command requires the user to have the `manage_channels` permission
Command Structure:

`;voice option [change: optional]`
- `enable/disable`: Enable/disables specified change.
- `skipratio`: Specify what the ratio should be for skip voting if enabled. Example: 0.6 for 60%
- `maxlength/duration`: Specify (in seconds) the max duration of a video that can be played.
Possible settings to enable/disable:

- `needperms`: specifies whether `volume`, `pause`, or `resume` require permissions or not.
- `skipvoting`: enables voting to skip instead of one user skipping.
# Enable skipvoting
;voice enable skipvoting
# Disbale needing perms
;voice disable needperms
# Edit maxlength to 5 minutes
;voice maxlength 300

+ 92
- 20
roxbot/cogs/ View File

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ffmpeg_options = {
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)

def volume_perms():
def need_perms():
def predicate(ctx):
gs = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)
if gs["voice"]["need_perms"]:
@@ -231,7 +231,18 @@ class Voice:
async def join(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
"""Joins the voice channel your in."""
"""Summon Roxbot to a voice channel, usually the one you are currently in.

This is done automatically when you execute the `;play` or `;stream` commands.


- `Voice Channel` - OPTIONAL. The name of a Voice Channel

# Join a voice channle called General
;join General
# Get channel
if channel is None:
@@ -259,7 +270,21 @@ class Voice:
@commands.cooldown(1, 0.8, commands.BucketType.guild)
async def play(self, ctx, *, url, stream=False, from_queue=False, queued_by=None):
"""Plays from a url or search query (almost anything youtube_dl supports)"""
"""Plays a video over voice chat using the given URL. This URL has to be one that YoutubeDL can download from. [A list can be found here.](

If the bot is already playing something, this will be queued up to be played later. If you want to play a livestream, use the `;stream` command.

The user needs to be in a voice channel for this command to work. This is ignored if the user has the `manage_channels` permission. There is also a duration limit that can be placed on videos. This is also ignored if the user has the `manage_channels` permission.


- `url` - A url to a video or playlist or a search term. If a playlist, it will play the first video and queue up all other videos in the playlist. If just text, Roxbot will play the first Youtube search result.

# Play the quality youtube video
guild = ctx.guild
voice = roxbot.guild_settings.get(guild)["voice"]

@@ -316,27 +341,43 @@ class Voice:
@commands.cooldown(1, 0.5, commands.BucketType.guild)
async def stream(self, ctx, *, url):
"""Streams given link. Good for Twitch. (same as play, but doesn't predownload)"""
A version of `;play` that should be used to stream livestreams or internet radio sources.

For more details on how this command words, please look at the documentation for the `;play` command.
# Just invoke the play command with the stream argument as true. Deals with everything else anyway.
return await ctx.invoke(, url=url, stream=True)

async def volume(self, ctx, volume: int):
"""Changes the player's volume. Only accepts integers representing x% between 0-100%"""
if 0 < volume <= 100:
Sets the volume percentage for Roxbot's audio.

The current volume of Roxbot is displayed by her nowplaying rich embeds that are displayed when she begins to play a video or when the `;nowplaying` command is used.


- `percent` - A positive integer between 0-100 representing a percentage.

# Set volume to 20%
;volume 20
if 0 <= volume <= 100:
ctx.voice_client.source.volume = volume / 100 # Volume needs to be a float between 0 and 1... kinda
self._volume[] = volume / 100 # Volume needs to be a float between 0 and 1... kinda
raise commands.CommandError("Volume needs to be between 0-100%")
return await ctx.send("Changed volume to {}%".format(volume))

@commands.cooldown(1, 2)
async def pause(self, ctx):
# TODO: Add some timeouts on pause and resumes
"""Pauses the current video, if playing."""
if ctx.voice_client.is_paused():
return await ctx.send("I already am paused!")
@@ -344,11 +385,12 @@ class Voice:
return await ctx.send("Paused '{}'".format(ctx.voice_client.source.title))

@commands.cooldown(1, 2)
async def resume(self, ctx):
"""Resumes the bot if paused.."""
"""Resumes the bot, if paused."""
if ctx.voice_client.is_paused():
return await ctx.send("Resumed '{}'".format(ctx.voice_client.source.title))
@@ -361,7 +403,19 @@ class Voice:
async def skip(self, ctx, option=""):
"""Skips or votes to skip the current video. Can use option "--force" if you have manage_channels permission. """
"""Skips the current playing video.

If skipvoting is enabled, multiple people will have to use this command to go over the ratio that is also set by server moderators.

- `--force` - if skip voting is enabled, users with the `manage_channel` permission can skip this process and for the video to be skipped.

# Vote to skip a video
# Force skip a video
;skip --force
voice = roxbot.guild_settings.get(ctx.guild)["voice"]
if voice["skip_voting"] and not (option == "--force" and # Admin force skipping
if in self.skip_votes[]:
@@ -389,7 +443,7 @@ class Voice:
async def nowplaying(self, ctx):
"""Displays the video now playing."""
"""Displays what is currently playing."""
if self.now_playing[] is None:
return await ctx.send("Nothing is playing.")
@@ -428,7 +482,17 @@ class Voice:
async def remove(self, ctx, index):
"""Removes a item from the queue with the given index. Can also input all to delete all queued items. Requires the Manage Channels permission"""
"""Removes a item from the queue with the given index.

- `index/all` - A number representing an index in the queue to remove one video, or "all" to clear all videos.

# Remove 2nd video
;remove 2
# Clear the queue
;remove all
# Try and convert index into an into. If not possible, just move forward
index = int(index)
@@ -455,7 +519,7 @@ class Voice:
async def stop(self, ctx):
"""Stops and disconnects the bot from voice. Requires the Manage Channels permission"""
"""Stops Roxbot from playing music and has her leave voice chat."""
# Clear up variables before stopping.
self.playlist[] = []
self.now_playing[] = None
@@ -495,16 +559,24 @@ class Voice:
async def voice(self, ctx, setting=None, change=None):
"""Edits settings for the voice cog. Requires the Manage Channels permission
"""Edits settings for the voice cog.

enable/disable: Enable/disables specified change.
skipratio: Specify what the ratio should be for skip voting if enabled. Example: 0.6 for 60%
maxlength/duration: Specify (in seconds) the max duration of a video that can be played. Ignored if staff of the server/bot owner.
- `enable/disable`: Enable/disables specified change.
- `skipratio`: Specify what the ratio should be for skip voting if enabled. Example: 0.6 for 60%
- `maxlength/duration`: Specify (in seconds) the max duration of a video that can be played.

Possible settings to enable/disable:
needperms: specifies whether volume controls and other bot functions need mod/admin perms.
skipvoting: specifies whether skipping should need over half of voice users to vote to skip. Bypassed by mods.
- `needperms`: specifies whether `volume`, `pause`, or `resume` require permissions or not.
- `skipvoting`: enables voting to skip instead of one user skipping.

;settings voice enable skipvoting
# Enable skipvoting
;voice enable skipvoting
# Disbale needing perms
;voice disable needperms
# Edit maxlength to 5 minutes
;voice maxlength 300
setting = setting.lower()
change = change.lower()
